Thank you so much for playing! I meant to get back to this earlier, but I got a bit busy and kind of forgot. Mea culpa.
You are absolutely, 100% correct about that rest/peace/nothing node. It is easily my least favorite part of the game, and I'll see if I can't add a little more quest content in a patch soon so that it is less common. There actually is a rare reward on "nothing" (the common reward is 1 gold) but it might be too rare for that matter.
I'll also take a look at saving a click for "continue." Honestly, that's there because this game is using an engine I made for a somewhat different type of game. It is kind of out of place here now that you mention it. I've just worked in this engine too long at this point that I didn't noticed. Thanks for pointing it out!
Thanks again for playing, and I am glad you enjoyed the writing! The Goth is probably my favorite class; writing the text for that one was pretty enjoyable.