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Considering it's their own fault for not putting in the bare-minimum amount of effort required to answer their own question, i.e. reading a single line of text, then actually I kind of do think they deserve to be insulted for it, as do you and anyone else who defends such blatant laziness/stupidity.


Understand your point and yeah i agree that sometimes humiliation, confrontation or standing up for yourself is necessary, no doubt. But look, in this instance the guy just missed a simple word and asked about it you know? It’s not a big deal. Sure your insult can be considered a simple thing as well but logically if you feel the need to insult over such a simple mistake, then you’ll probably feel the need for something bigger over a more serious mistake. My point is there’s no need for that. You’re “assuming” he didn’t put in any effort but maybe he just overlooked it and it’s that simple. What I’m getting at is before you get all passive-aggressive or hostile, consider if it’s really deserved and try to empathize. Acting like this could cost you valuable friendships or maybe even people who could be very useful to you. It’s just not a good look.