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Stats Update:

I'm debating on whether I want a class system or custom stat system. I'm sure you guys are smart enough to know what those mean, but basically, at the start of the game you are given choices of what you want to be. If it's a class system its about choosing which class you want to be. If it's custom stats, then think of "S.P.E.C.I.A.L." attributes from Fallout.

I'm probably gonna do the custom stats, because i want a more roleplay experience, but who knows, i might change my mind. If anything i could use both, i might make the class system like FF3's or FF5's job system.

But any ways here are my ideas for the custom stat system.

Medical Knowledge: can help you understand how to use certain items that involve reviving, healing, or getting rid of negative states (like poison).

HP: increase HP (of course)

Charismatic LuckHelps with the ACT system. In some situations when pacifying an NPC, it can be dictated by RNG. So this helps increase your chances of pacifying.

HungerThis dictates how much time is needed to eat food. (I genuinely might consider getting rid of this)

Who knows what I'll add next. The reason i didnt add stuff like agility or strength is because it would break my games idea. Strength shouldn't add damage to a shotgun, a shotgun should do the same damage whether your a weak nerd or not (also its a horror game, i cant make the player too powerful.) And hey! by all means, tell me if you have any ideas you would like to see for the custom stat system.

Weapon Update:

I'm thinking of adding 2 new weapons, "the Taser" and "Double Barreled Shotgun". I plan for the taser to shock your opponent when you shoot a so called "blank." Of course keep this in mind that any opponent you do battle with can do the same to you if you use this item. And for the double barreled shotgun, it's technically the most powerful weapon in the game. It will take away 6HP from your opponent when you shoot them with a live round. I plan for the double barreled shotgun to be a rare item, that can only be achieved through your choices in the story, so I hope you can find it.

Anyways, because i felt like i didnt explain the original weapons that well, I might as well give a better description for what they are and what my plan was for them.

Any weapon you choose, the opponent can use, making every fight basically even. This is something to watch out for.

Revolver: It does +2 damage. This is for the player that wants to strategize with out any annoyances. The idea is that the player may not want to have the shotgun because the enemy does too much damage, making it too fast paced for them to strategize and also the player may not like how they get poisoned by the tranquilizer because the tranquilizer is literally meant to ruin strategy. In short, the revolver is a free strategic experience.

Shotgun: It does +4 damage. This is for the player that is confident they will get more hits on the opponent then themselves. This can make matches more fast paced and also make the player feel like they have to use less items when they can get rid of their opponent so quick (unless your talking about herbs).

Tranquilizer: It does +2 damage, and can poison the opponent (doing +1 damage) when they shoot you with a blank. This is for the player that likes messing up strategy. See, any opponent can use items or shoot you, but that contains a turn. When you shoot a live round at your opponent, they get poisoned and it lasts for 3 turns. So this can mess up your opponent when they're deciding on what to do when poisoned. Does your opponent shoot you, risking if it's a blank? Or just waste items to waste turns?

Anyways that's it for today. What a long post haha, I'm glad to make these after all the other short post I make.