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(2 edits)

With the exception of some CC0 audio from freesound, I made every asset in my game from scratch.

I made the music for the game using LMMS. I made some manual tweaks to the sound with Audacity. Any video / gifs for the game were edited using Shotcut.

I was the most proud of my 3D assets, despite their simplicity. Especially the blendshapes for the face - didn't get as much in-game highlighting as I had planned, but still proud of how easy they were to use in engine. 

It's been a long time since I messed about with Blender / 3D modeling in general, and animating in blender. I had also never done animation blending in Godot before, so that was a fun challenge, trying to stitch all the animations together in a way that didn't look awful. 


Just finished playing it and giving some feedback <3