Hi! Thanks for the new issue!
I have noticed a few typos, in case you are still on time to correct them:
- page 6, chapter Asking the Question, in the second paragraph: “Its simple and can be answer with random tables.”. It should be “answered”.
- page 7, chapter Asking the Question, in the last paragraph of the left column: “More often than nought”. It should be “not”.
- page 7, chapter Asking the Question, in the last paragraph of the left column: “Keep answers you like and mark off ones you dont.”. It should be “don’t”.
- page 17, table of NPCs at the right: “Sabatoge”. It should be “Sabotage”.
- page 17, table of gossips: “Supernatural. Crewmembers effected by the recent solar flares”. It should be “affected”.
- page 18, table of creature behaviors: “…as its head slowly moves to and fro, looking at things unseen.”. It should be “from”.
Thanks again. I have liked the key-lock adventure and its random tables.