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(4 edits) (+2)

A piece of linguistic advice, if I may: Choose a single transliteration method and stick to that consistently. As you might be aware, there are several methods for the so-called romanisation of Japanese words. For example, depending on the method, the word 浪人 can be transcribed as rounin (literally), rōnin, ronin or even as rohnin; much like the word 妖怪 can be transcribed as youkai (literally), yōkai, yokai or yohkai as well. Now, once you picked one, whichever it may be, you should apply that one for each and every word, accordingly. For example, if you choose to use the rōnin, ryōshi, kōfu, etc. format, then yatou should be yatō and sougiya should be sōgiya too; and vice versa (speaking of which, among the Human NPC’s, rōnin is ronin instead). Similarly, words like sohei, wako, shakujo or bo should be sōhei / souhei, wakō / wakou, shakujō / shakujou and / bou, respectively. (Well, personally, I would not endorse using letters with macron and/or circumflex diacritics, and highly prefer the literal transliteration instead.)

 Also, some cultural remarks on certain words:

・Bandit (Yatou): yatō / yatou (野盗) does mean bandit or brigand, indeed (literally, “plains robber” or “field thief”), but I would suggest considering sanzoku (山賊) instead.

・Cleric (Shinshoku): shinshoku (神職) is a specific term, referring to Shintō Priesthood; while the Cleric’s weapon, the shakujō (錫杖), is a traditional Buddhist weapon (khakkhara, in Sanskrit). For Cleric, consider using some other words like seishokusha (聖職者), sōryo / souryo (僧侶), shisai (司祭), etc. instead. Note: Since the game is supposed to be set in the Japan’s feudal period (during the 12th to 19th centuries, that is), both religions as well as their various syncretic forms can be relevant.

・Gambler (Bakuchiuchi): bakuchiuchi (博奕打ち) is a professional gambler, expressively. Also, consider some other words like tobakushi (賭博師), etc. instead.

・Herbalist (Kusushi): kusushi (医師 / 薬師) is simply an obsolete word for doctor or healer (including herbal medicine). Also, consider some other words like honzōgakusha / honzougakusha (本草学者), honzōka / honzouka (本草家), kanpōi / kanpoui (漢方医), yakuzaishi (薬剤師), etc. instead.

・Merchant (Shāngrén): shāngrén is the Chinese reading of the word 商人, of which the Japanese reading is shōnin / shounin. Also, consider some other words like gyōsha / gyousha (業者), chōnin / chounin (町人), etc. instead.

・Performer (Sarugaku): sarugaku (猿楽) is a specific term, referring to the Noh Theatre of the Kamakura and Muromachi periods (especially during the 11th to 14th centuries), while the game is supposed to be set in the Japan’s feudal era (during the 12th to 19th centuries, that is). Consider some other words like geinōjin / geinoujin (芸能人), engisha (演技者), etc. instead.

・Servant (Meshitsukai): meshitsukai (召使) does mean servant or menial, indeed; although such words might imply different nuances than their equivalents in certain cultures. Also, consider some other words like shimobe (下部), kerai (家来), etc. instead.

・Undertaker (Sougiya): Although funerals and graves do exist in Japan, Western-style burials employing funeral directors and morticians are relatively modern inventions (compared to the game’s supposed setting). Sougiya (葬儀屋) is a specific term, referring to the latter; which seems to be confirmed by the character’s weapon: a Shovel. I would suggest considering some other words like onbō / onbou (隠亡) [cemetery guard / crematorium worker], hakamori (墓守り) [gravekeeper], hakahori (墓掘り) [gravedigger], etc. instead.

・Tetsu Katana (Iron Sword): This sounds like a weirdly awkward combination of words; plus if you use tekkō (鉄甲) for iron knuckles and tessen (鉄扇) for iron fan, then for iron sword, tekken (鉄剣) would be the most obvious and proper choice.

・Ō-yoroi Armor: ō-yoroi (大鎧) means “great armour” or “big armour”; yoroi (鎧) might suffice in itself.


Please note that I have no intention to criticise or nit-pick here. On the contrary, I would fully understand if you are not interested in such details, but since I do like the basic idea, I just thought I would comment on this particular aspect of it.


Woah dang this is incredible, thank you! These are exactly the kind of details that push the limits of my admittedly mainstream, generic, western based knowledge and that I absolutely want to get right. Definitely taking all of this into account for next edits (coming soon because of formatting issues in v0.4). Certainly feel free to let me know any other things that stand out to you, but may I also reach out for additional input if I have questions? Thank you!


Sure, anytime.