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I always feel weird asking this, because you never know if someone will get offended, but... Well, I gotta do it. Will the full game eventually be free to play, or will the free version always be nothing more than a demo?

I have to ask because my personal policy is to never pay for pornographic content. My hobbies are expensive enough as it is, y'know? Gotta draw the line somewhere.

Regardless, what you've made looks great, and I mean absolutely no disrespect in any way. Keep up the amazing work, and I wish you all the best!



We respect your personal policy!

The game will be released for free until we have 4-5 versions left to finish. Then we will stop making versions free and focus entirely on completing the game ( the last versions will be with the final price for both steam and itch ). 

So, you can watch and play the game for enough more updates. 


Oze you're perfect ❤️