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I know you said you haven't tested all routes, but I'll still say I feel the fairy needs a little balancing, can't win a game as one for the life of me.

Here's some excerpts of Fairy Fighter, Assassin and Rogue respectively, I tried each job two or three times, but I never even made a dent into the dragon. I got so into it that I forgot to make logs of a lot of runs, so you're whole engaging and quick playing cycle is still intact.

It seems the main issue  is accumulating experience. Can't get any of the good stuff before the monsters appear, so I just get pummeled then. Maybe give them some 2 EXP cards in the beginning? Additionally the curse traps hurt more, that tripped me up during my first run, not so much after that though. Which is a slick transition to the rogue (you know, stick and stuff): I like the new take on the class, it's very different from the other two. Not that effective in practice though for me, it could be because I always tend to go towards the maximum firepower job class fighter here.

From what I can see, the biggest challenge going forward is going to be balance, which is probably what you'd expect. I'll be interested to see how you go with the classes/races you already have and the ones you have planned.