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This is fucking superb, a critique, a game, and an object lesson in tight, elegant design wrapped up in one. The layout is clean and readable, love the use of bold in paragraphs to draw my eyes to relevant mechanical declarations.

The teamwork/stress rules are awesome, they pull me into the space effectively enough I flashed back to working as a pizza boy. The recovery/game structure reinforces this, making for a nice (by which I mean: evocative) loop.

One thing I think might be worth including is a sort of permanent stressor optional rule where something like a critical failure may drop your tolerance by one - because my experience working retail/food was similar in that I sorta tallied up major frustrations and let the minor stuff slip until I finally had to or could bounce.

This is so hackable, I could see using this underlying system for say, selling shoes (another terrible job I once had).

This game is awesome and one of my favorite kitbashes from the jam!


thank you so much! you're right about the permanent stressor thing, that's a good idea :D