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I am glad you took my comment as constructive since that is sincerely what it was. I think these jams are a great way for us developers to evolve and having fellow game devs give feedback is invaluable in out pursuit of making our games better!
I didn't click the anvil. I just did a replay of the game now and yes that do complete the game thank you.

So if I get you correctly, you basically wanted to make a island survival game, but these jams restrictions made you enforce combat and ruins. :) I find that funny somehow.

As a first dungeon crawler I would say it is still decent. It is a bit of a tricky genre but it does have it's charm. According to the tile size it mostly applies to narrow hallways, but it makes it easier to navigate. I don't think you have to change that since you got other stuff thats more important to focus on.


Agreed, feedback from other devs is like gold. That is why I truly appreciate the time you took to play it. 

I'm glad the anvil worked! I just need to communicate that better to the player next time. 

Yeah, I actually hopped on this jam last minute because I got a week off from work and my wife went on vacation so I was home alone for a week and wanted to use it for a jam. This one was just right on time. 

Thanks for the compliment, as someone who has only played a small handful of crawlers, I was nervous I would totally miss the mark. The genre has a table top/old school feel to me that is the most charming in my opinion. 

Lastly, I see what you mean about the tile size now. I'll certainly look into it after some of my larger changes.

Anyway, thanks again! I'm planning on trying our your submission sometime this week!