Hey wolfheat! Thanks for your comments! They are really constructive and so I greatly appreciate it. I am sorry to hear you weren't able to complete the game. I was aware of some of these issue but just due to time couldn't get to them. I plan on fixing them soon though and I hope you come back after that to try it out again.
The inventory being kept after death is actually something I wasn't aware of, so thank you so much for making that known to me.
I agree, the controls need work. They took a bit of a back seat to other things that, in retrospect, weren't as important.
The store was an eleventh hour idea that I should've scrapped for this prototype. It doesn't actually work yet, I just left it in to convey the idea that there will be one in the future. I should've indicated that somehow.
Yes! The UI is actually something I am planning on getting to asap. My wife mentioned early on that the Ba, Pi, Co, and Fi were hard to interpret. It is among 1 of the many issues I have with my UI.
The cooking does in fact need balancing. The fish are the only thing that give 10% health while all fruit give 5%. I thought that cooking fruit together gave 10% and and fruit + fish combo gave 15% but I might have over looked that so I'll give it another look. Either way, there needs to be a lot of balancing work done.
Now the combat, I actually don't want my final product to have any combat at all. It was only added for the game jam rules! It seems like the cooking and combat system just need balancing overall, and I appreciate you pointing that out. My final product is going to ditch combat all together and make a much larger world where the focus is on navigation and survival.
I wasn't aware of the fishing spam thing, I'll fix that too. Again, I'm so glad you pointed that out.
After completing the 3 ship parts, did you try clicking on the anvil in the ship? That should end the game for you, but maybe it is also bugged. Being unable to remake the parts in the work menu does not convey that at all though, so it is no fault of your own. It was my poor design there.
The spirit does nothing currently, again due to time constraints. If you hit him enough, he send you back to the menu screen after a short text box. That's about it for now unfortunately. I don't know if I plan on keeping him or the underground section at all in the main game. I might even remove the ruins. Thanks for mentioning it, if you have any suggestions here, I'm all ears!
Lastly, the view. I'm not sure how I feel about the tile size. This is my first dungeon crawler and I've never really played many so I don't have a ton of opinion here. Either way, thanks for mentioning it.
Overall, thanks again for your time and for playing. This was a great comment!