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WOW, this was an incredible experience! Absolutely impeccable, I was really immersed in this suffocating, horrific, mysterious underwater labryinth from beginning to end. Everything is incredibly cohesive, from the backgrounds to the GUI to the sound design, all contributing to this "underwater sci-fi" vibe, and I really liked the font that was used to mimic the "display" on the MC's helmet. I love how tightly and expertly written this was, with the mystery slowly unfolding over the course of the game. The use of the "logs" to gradually reveal the twists and turns (each unlocked with passwords gained from Krybdis and Cylla's relationship) was really well-done and reminded me a lot of the "notes" that you can find while exploring the environment in 3D adventure games. The VA did fantastic work, and overall the sound design was very immersive. 

The game plops you right in the thick of it, in a sinking ship that is gradually running out of oxygen. Immediately you're on edge, caught up in this horrific situation, and I like how the MC and the player are both moving "at the same pace," as you unravel the truths of what you've done. The dialogue between Krybdis and Cylla was really natural and well-written, and I liked their dynamic - even from the short exchanges that they have (and with Krybdis having partial amnesia), you instantly get an impression of what their relationship is like. I REALLY loved Cylla as a character - you can tell that she has her rough edges but is ultimately a steady and reliable teammate. 

=====SPOILERS BELOW=======

As the plot twists and turns, you really get ensnared in this story of this pair and attached to the leads. When Cylla's comm goes silent in the middle of the game, I was legitimately scared for her safety and a little panicked about being left all alone. The lingering affection that Cylla has for Krybdis is pretty clear in their exchanges, and as you gradually realize how doomed it is my heart really broke for the two of them. 

When I got to the end, I was legitimately shocked. I was def expecting Cylla to be "transformed" but not to that extent! When I was looking at the names for the leads initially, I thought "Scylla and Charybdis, nice, it's a metaphor for the turbulent relationship that these two have, and how that relationship doomed the 'ship' that they're riding." Only to get to the end and be like "OH NO IT WAS MUCH MORE LITERAL." As for Calliste, I'm not 100% sure, but perhaps it might be a reference to "Callisto" - and the fallout between Callisto and Artemis as a result of Zeus' "transformation" (the same way that Cylla transforms into an alien monster)? 

The ending CGs were GORGEOUS and I really liked Cylla's design. I especially liked the ending in which you "open the door" - the writing of the scene was very poetic, and the "dancing you to your death" sequence reminded me a lot of siren/mermaid mythology. I'm not sure whether Krybdis dies in that ending or is turned into an alien herself, but either way I was quite satisfied - as either a tragic or happy ending, it felt v conclusive. 

Overall, I was expecting this to be great, and it turned out MUCH better than even I expected! Honestly flawless, the team did a really great job on it, and the mystery was a joy to unravel! 




Chatter this is such a sweet and kind comment!

Thank you for putting so much care into your review! Also we were so happy seeing you pick up on the little tidbits of lore that we used to inspire much of the writing! 

Thank you for playing and for writing such kind words, you've made the team very happy and excited upon reading this! :') <3