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It is very rare I find a tale that grips me enough for me to lose 4 hours on it to the exclusion of all else. I found myself invested in every character. And I know that tomorrow I'll be running a second playthrough.

What has hit me the most is that every character, as minor as those you meet in Salt Bay, to the major romancable characters all feel human. It's not an easy thing to achieve and you have achieved it. I'm excited to see how this progresses.


Thank you so much for giving the game a try and I'm so pleased that you were able to play the game for that long without getting bored 🌼💖

It means a lot that the characters feel human! I was worried that some might come off as two-dimensional or not interesting enough so it's a huge relief that you felt otherwise. I hope you enjoy your second playthrough as much as your first 😊