Solid entry. I found the fighting mechanics quite intuitive. Perhaps the setup of behaviors could have a little more variation in the earlier parts as it was quite a few fights and they turned quite easy after the first go around.
I like the planning bit and then execution with ability to gain extra moves. But the amount of key presses could be a reduced quite a lot by reorganizing them having attack and move first and then in the execution filtering all things not possible selecting move if move and attack if no move as default. Something like that. Especially noticeable on the final boss, that suitably was a bit of a damage sponge.
It would have been nice with an empty line or some indicator of what is new text and where it begins and where the old stuff ended. Especially during walking around and getting story bits.
At first, the controls mapping really messed with my brain since the geometry indicated qwe asd in the graphics but they were layed out awd qse as default. Great that I could update it though!
Nice entry, nice style and fun humor.