Finished it.
The gameplay is simple and effective. Dodging the fans is fun and decently challenging. It would have been really easy to mess things up with unpredictable wind collision so really good work. I love that walking near wall torches lights them up! I know its not a big thing game-wise, but it was super cool and added a sense of space. I was also really impressed that you added a checkpoint system and that it instantly read as a checkpoint system with the log piles. That is excellent.
My feedback is that I wish there were sounds but its not a super big deal, its a jam and you gotta prioritize the game first. If you choose to update please add sounds I think it would really elevate the game. I also think perhaps the fan wind area could be made slightly more visually clear (it was fine for the most part but just like 10% clearer wouldn't hurt)
P.S. The visuals are really cool and I like the isometric style.
Thank you for sharing your game, it is pretty darn cool.