Thanks for playing our game, we really appreciate it. We spent a lot of time on the theme and graphics. Also on the movement controller, which we were happy with, even when the verticality of ladders comes into play. We're glad you noted that.
You're spot on with crates. To pull them you click on the ring and to push you click anywhere else. It made sense at the time but sometimes a literal interpretation of how stuff works isn't as fun or intuitive as a more abstract where the top half is push and the bottom half is pull. We'll fix that!
The combat was our most ambitious innovation for this game. We didn't quite pull it off in this version, as we ran out of time, but we're hopeful it has some potential. The unarmed combat animations weren't good enough to land hits properly so they were only really useful for the Clay Pot destruction. We didn't make it clear that we meant the Pause/Break key on the keyboard, when it comes it enabling debug mode to defeat the rat. More apologies...
We look forward to playing your game soon.