I stepped into the portal, which froze the game but I assumed it was the end of the game.
I had to restart twice because of bugs I think, once because I tried to fight the second rat, not realising you should not just like with the first one and another time because in the room with several blocks you'll get to push a pot was floating around while the furthest tile in front of the entrance to the room acted like an invisible wall. It's fine.
The environments are very detailed, I enjoyed all the puzzles and the overall dungeon layout and feel is very good. The encounters are rightly placed too. One thing I really liked was the transition from combat and to combat, you do it as soon as you want and it's fairly organic, overall the game features very satisfying animations for everything. It controls well, the inventory works, and another thing I really like is how items are perfectly integrated into the environment, no highlighting, you will probably notice most of them (especially the important ones) but might miss some (coins). Buttons for secrets are great, that you're never rewarded with a strong weapon isn't.
I like that you went with an ambitious combat system, overall I like how it looks and feels and being able to kick my opponent is something I'm very fond of during 1-on-1 martial fights against another character with a sword and shield. However I never figured out the combat, I just equipped the last weapon (and a shield) and mashed '3' with the first weapon(s) then proceeded to mash '6' with the later ones. It was specially efficient against the boss for some reason.
Overall it's a cool entry, thanks for sharing.
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