I'm a bit torn on this one. On the one hand, the premise is really cool, the gathering of items and using each as a solution to encounters is cool, the atmosphere is great. On the other hand, the movement was really clunky and the encounters seemed bugged. Although I had all the items on me, I could never use them in encounters. I had the oujia board but couldn't give it to the Friend, I couldn't give the camera to the Son. Did I need to have those as active items? What DID the active items do? But you can never tell when an encounter is near, unless maybe those items tell you?
As such, I died in the basement due to running out of lives even though I had the necessary things on me:(
If you make movement snappier (perhaps even instant given the scope of the asylum) and add a few tooltips in game here and there, this could be a really cool horror story.