To be honest this is a little rough. I like the idea of the simple limited-colour art style and the UI looks nice but I found the method for using items to be VERY annoying, having to constantly swap out whatever was in the hand slot manually while the entire game is on an oxygen timer got very frustrating. Also took me 3 playthroughs to figure out the full path to go since I kept running out of time. Honestly the drag/drop inventory thing could work well if you could just activate stuff directly from the inventory or drag it onto the thing you want to interact with (drag keycard onto door from inventory to open door, for example).
Also not sure why the game defaults all the sounds to 0 but even after setting the volume sliders up there was still no music present which could have helped add some tension to the atmosphere a bit.
I think with a bit more polishing you could have a good game here, just needs a bit more time I think. Nice work though.