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I have a few suggestions

1) The ballista really isn't worth it, 300 gold+5 gold per ammo over the rocks to kill 5 more orcs vs the rocks. I think even 50 orcs wouldn't be worth it since the resource grind is already very tight and you need that gold elsewhere so I can't think of a fix for that without making it overpowered.  

2) When its implemented have Hudson come to you for the villagers problems, having to waste 1 energy/save scum to check with him every day would be grindy or make it every 5th day or something where he will have something for you if that's easier. 

3) Chatting giving +5 sanity would be pretty nice, as of now with the window being so tight I found myself just designating one girl as my sanity bot since you need to spend 2 energy a day just to stagnate on sanity so I really didn't have time to chat. 

4) The current resource grind is very tight, I min-maxed gold upgrades/grind early and was still barely making it on the 3rd week. I had little to no room to increase respect or charisma or chat with the girls. A fix for that would be similar to the first game where its a pretty tight window to get through chapter 1 but then you get a nice boost in resources after surviving but you're no doubt still playing around with a ton of numbers on that end. 

As for requests I don't really have any I just prefer dedicated endings or routes for single important girls like Miliyra or Laura, it would also be cool if the Guard that helps you escape is a character since he cuts off as he gives you his name and I'm really looking foward to the Steven/Charles side plots since they were badass in the first game :). 


     First of all, thank you very much for expressing your views in such detail.

1-I agree with you that it will be a bit pointless to take the ballista in the first weeks. But in the following weeks, the number of orcs will increase by thousands. You know we had two life bars in the blood moon war. I want to explain this a little bit. When the orcs break down the gate, you are defeated. Therefore, you need to kill the orcs before they break down the gate of your village. But how will you kill the orcs if you run out of arrows and stones? You will have to kill the orcs by sacrificing the soldiers in your village.  At this point, even if your gate's life bar is full, you will lose because you have no soldiers to fight. In the current version of the game, soldiers are only used to protect the village. But in the future, when we leave the village and go to war, these soldiers will be important for us. So I'm thinking of adding as many different resources as possible to ensure that our soldiers don't die in the defense of the village. And I agree with you, I need to regulate the amount of coins we have to spend on defensive tools and the damage they do to orcs.

2- Like in the first season of the game, I want us to make decisions, whether it's to solve the village's problems and get a resource boost when things are going badly, or to face a situation that will put you in trouble when things are going well. I have a good idea about that. Like you said, it's a bit of a challenge to visit the Hudson every day and check if there's a problem. On certain days I will add different issues that need to be solved, and they will accumulate on the list day by day. If there are too many problems, you will start to lose respect on a daily basis. If you want, you can wait for the problems to accumulate and solve them all in one day.

3- First of all I want to say that I laughed a lot at this comment (my sanity bot) XD. You are very right, we don't have enough energy, so we don't have enough time to spend time with other girls and develop our relationship. Looking at other suggestions I think the best way would be to increase our energy value to 20.

4- In the first season of the game, the resource use was very balanced. In the later parts of the game, I'm aware that I didn't pay attention to the resource balance because I was focused on the story. I will never allow the same imbalance to happen in this game. It is very difficult to adjust the resource balance now because there are many more things to add. Over time, we will achieve this balance with your opinions.

     I try very hard to make sure that the decisions you make actually affect the story. In the current version of the game, I only put choices that affect the story in the beginning. I never want your decisions in the first season to be in vain, so please don't cheat when making choices XD.

     Laura Miliyra and Remmy will be joining the game soon. As for the Guardian, I didn't let you hear his name because you'll meet him soon... Thank you again for sharing such a detailed article with me, it was really useful. I hope this article will be useful for other users as well. <3

Sweet. What is considered the perfect ending in game 1? In my first playthrough Remmy, Noah and Hudson are alive, steven died fighting orcs, charles is falsely imprisioned and I knocked Miliyra out to save her. 

The best ending is the one where nobody dies. Charles and Steven aren't so important. It would be great if Noah, Hudson, Remmy, Miliyra and Laura live. Story events of these characters will happen in future updates. The decisions you make in the first season will affect the dialogues and scenes.