I have a few suggestions
1) The ballista really isn't worth it, 300 gold+5 gold per ammo over the rocks to kill 5 more orcs vs the rocks. I think even 50 orcs wouldn't be worth it since the resource grind is already very tight and you need that gold elsewhere so I can't think of a fix for that without making it overpowered.
2) When its implemented have Hudson come to you for the villagers problems, having to waste 1 energy/save scum to check with him every day would be grindy or make it every 5th day or something where he will have something for you if that's easier.
3) Chatting giving +5 sanity would be pretty nice, as of now with the window being so tight I found myself just designating one girl as my sanity bot since you need to spend 2 energy a day just to stagnate on sanity so I really didn't have time to chat.
4) The current resource grind is very tight, I min-maxed gold upgrades/grind early and was still barely making it on the 3rd week. I had little to no room to increase respect or charisma or chat with the girls. A fix for that would be similar to the first game where its a pretty tight window to get through chapter 1 but then you get a nice boost in resources after surviving but you're no doubt still playing around with a ton of numbers on that end.
As for requests I don't really have any I just prefer dedicated endings or routes for single important girls like Miliyra or Laura, it would also be cool if the Guard that helps you escape is a character since he cuts off as he gives you his name and I'm really looking foward to the Steven/Charles side plots since they were badass in the first game :).
First of all, thank you very much for expressing your views in such detail.
1-I agree with you that it will be a bit pointless to take the ballista in the first weeks. But in the following weeks, the number of orcs will increase by thousands. You know we had two life bars in the blood moon war. I want to explain this a little bit. When the orcs break down the gate, you are defeated. Therefore, you need to kill the orcs before they break down the gate of your village. But how will you kill the orcs if you run out of arrows and stones? You will have to kill the orcs by sacrificing the soldiers in your village. At this point, even if your gate's life bar is full, you will lose because you have no soldiers to fight. In the current version of the game, soldiers are only used to protect the village. But in the future, when we leave the village and go to war, these soldiers will be important for us. So I'm thinking of adding as many different resources as possible to ensure that our soldiers don't die in the defense of the village. And I agree with you, I need to regulate the amount of coins we have to spend on defensive tools and the damage they do to orcs.
2- Like in the first season of the game, I want us to make decisions, whether it's to solve the village's problems and get a resource boost when things are going badly, or to face a situation that will put you in trouble when things are going well. I have a good idea about that. Like you said, it's a bit of a challenge to visit the Hudson every day and check if there's a problem. On certain days I will add different issues that need to be solved, and they will accumulate on the list day by day. If there are too many problems, you will start to lose respect on a daily basis. If you want, you can wait for the problems to accumulate and solve them all in one day.
3- First of all I want to say that I laughed a lot at this comment (my sanity bot) XD. You are very right, we don't have enough energy, so we don't have enough time to spend time with other girls and develop our relationship. Looking at other suggestions I think the best way would be to increase our energy value to 20.
4- In the first season of the game, the resource use was very balanced. In the later parts of the game, I'm aware that I didn't pay attention to the resource balance because I was focused on the story. I will never allow the same imbalance to happen in this game. It is very difficult to adjust the resource balance now because there are many more things to add. Over time, we will achieve this balance with your opinions.
I try very hard to make sure that the decisions you make actually affect the story. In the current version of the game, I only put choices that affect the story in the beginning. I never want your decisions in the first season to be in vain, so please don't cheat when making choices XD.
Laura Miliyra and Remmy will be joining the game soon. As for the Guardian, I didn't let you hear his name because you'll meet him soon... Thank you again for sharing such a detailed article with me, it was really useful. I hope this article will be useful for other users as well. <3
1)Just visiting people shouldn't decresase energy, like checking Hudson if there is some problem (haven't found one yet) , it goes away really fast because turns small help to 3 and big help to 5 and yeah increasing energy to 20 would make life easier, atleast to spend some time with the ppl on the village not just trying to survive.
2)A little hint somewhere how to gain sanity, if not reading there I would have no idea the glory hole upgrade was for that xD,.
3)The daily on daily report is kinda redundant I guess a "Coin= -15" would look better than "Daily= -15 coin".
4)Finished till cave part, managing resources was really tight, though the jump from 2 to 5 soldiers was really noticeable I would suggest to 3/4 atleast.
5)Clearing the forest is even possible?, got a hinted that orcs could atack there but no more progress. (assumes it's still WIP like the river fish hint?)
6)Why I did my best to save/impress everyone on Colver Revenge (to get the correct answer :u?)
7)Maybe creating a Discord?
I think the next update will solve a lot of problems. I haven't opened the forest location yet. In the future we will need to defend the forest like we defend the village wall. I'm thinking of adding different siege tools to use in the jungle. Also, small bonuses would be nice, such as the ability to go through the jungle during the day and collect food or find hidden coins.
The choices you make in the first season will never be in vain. If you mention the choices you made in the first season in the conversation with Peter, you will understand how they affect the story in the future. I'll let you see that in the next story update...
My first suggestion is adding hot oil that kills more than rock but is more expensive for wall defense. I also think that ballistas should be used for killing boss monsters rather than killing more orcs due to their piercing nature. I would also like to add cannons or catapults for wall defense. It would also be nice if enemies also use weapons to either damage the wall more effectively like catapults or fire arrows to kill defenders before the wall is breached. You could even have to make a decision on which group of enemies to focus on: the one attacking the wall or the one attacking defenders.
My second suggestion is helping characters also improve their relationships. After all, these characters should feel grateful that their lord is helping them with their tasks. Gaining relationship points from helping characters should be minor compared to chatting with characters though as the former is for work while the latter is from meeting you although it is not related to work.
My third suggestion is adding magic both for fighting and the economy. We are playing a fantasy game where orcs existed but we don't really get to use magic except time travel.
My fourth suggestion is that we gain resources/abilities if we max out each character's relationship. Like gaining more food if we max out Mollie or gaining more charisma if we max out Noah. It would be also nice if each character had a unique way of providing fighting power like Tillie making hunters serve as soldiers as well, Marian providing church paladin out of loyal followers, Roheisa providing slave soldiers out of slaves, Victoria providing assassins, Sylavia providing mages, Laura providing all-female bodyguards, and so on. And they are not generic soldiers as each provides unique abilities like Tillie's hunters can shoot arrows and gather resources through hunting, Marian's church paladin increases charisma and respect through holy magic, Roheisa's slave soldiers may be most cheap but have demerits like decreased charisma, respect, and may rebel if not kept in check, Victoria's assassins may be able to fight like a generic soldier but they would be more effective at spying and assassination, Sylavia's mages are effective fighters but they cost more money, and Laura's female bodyguards providing more sanity due to more protections and essential to prevent an assassination that leads to a game over.
My fifth suggestion is that we gain resources/abilities if we gain trust from Lord Charles, Lord Steven, Elves, and Dwarves. And gaining their trust gives unique resources that only they can provide. Like elves give special bows and arrows with their nature magic or dwarves give muskets and cannons.
My sixth suggestion is that we have slave characters from Roheisa who are not generic slaves. It would be interesting if the lord treated them as equals or not. This could have its own plot line as it determines whether the lord is moral or immoral and thus determines the ending.
These ideas you've given me are really great. There's no magic in this universe, and time travel is a result of Peter from the future getting information from someone else. I won't mention this person in this game, but I really want to use the other ideas you gave me. I don't want to give spoilers right now, the dwarf arc will start after a few updates. Let's talk again later about how these innovations are in the dwarf arc :)
These are my suggestions after playing version 0.20. I think that much has improved, but there is more that could be done. Here are my suggestions after thinking for a few days.
Defense: I like new additions like catapults and trebuchets as while they may be costly, they are quite effective. I just wish that you add weapons like hot oil that kills more than rock but is more expensive. I also think that muskets and cannons from dwarves will be great in the next update as muskets are more expensive than arrows and cannons are more expensive than trebuchets, but they are more effective. I also think that a new weapon that requires cooperation from elves and dwarves will be great as they overcome racial relationship problems between elves and dwarves. So the new weapon that they developed together is Hwacha, a cart-based artillery that fires two hundred rocket-powered arrows. I also think that it would be nice to know how much current materials I have and need while buying materials from Rania.
Additional Building Upgrades: I think that there should be fourth and fifth building upgrades. The requirements for the fourth upgrade are 250 coins and 300 coins for the fifth upgrade. Daily from the fourth upgrade is 65 coins/foods and 7 soldiers while daily from the fifth upgrade is 80 coins/foods and 9 soldiers.
MC should also be able to upgrade buildings from other locations such as elves' forest, dwarves' city, Lord Charles' place, and Lord Steven's place as this is essential not only to gain resources, but also trust.
I also think that MC's home should be upgradable as he needs to have an expensive mansion that is worthy of his status. Each upgrade provides daily 1/2/3/4/5 charisma and respect.
I also think that each Annabel's building upgrade should increase the coins that Annabel earns by 5 and daily 1/2/3/4/5 sanity.
This is needed because of constant demerits from Roheisa's building upgrades. This is due to how although Roheisa earns twice Sylavia's daily coins while her building upgrade cost is the same, the immoral nature of having prisoners be prostitutes lowers MC's sanity, charisma, and respect daily by 1/2/3/4/5 due to how people dislike MC for funding prostitution. Certain moral characters may also oppose MC unless they are convinced through bribes with coins, food, and soldiers or persuasions like convincing Marian that prostitutes are doing God's work as a first option has MC come up with an interpretation that allows prostitution, second option has MC convincing Marian that it is because humans are such sinful beings that divine being like God is needed to grant forgiveness, third option has MC says to Marian that this is necessary evil, and fourth option has MC gleefully admits to Marian that he loves doing sinful sexual acts. This could be one of the village problems that need to be solved at Hudson.
I also think it would be interesting if Victoria's building upgrades had the same benefits and demerits as Roheisa's but for different reasons. Although Victoria claims that she only steals, spies, and kills from rich/bad people, it is still considered immoral or her victims blame MC for her actions. So while Victoria is like Roheisa as she earns twice Sylavia's daily coins while her building upgrade cost is the same, her sneaky nature lowers MC's sanity, charisma, and respect daily by 1/2/3/4/5 due to how people dislike MC for funding Robin Hood activity.
The gate should be upgradable as not only does it increase defense's HP, but also allows Franco to be a better gatekeeper who will prevent thieves, spies, and illegal goods from entering.
Laura's building upgrades allow Laura to form all-female knights named Valkyries that provide daily soldiers 1/2/3/4/5 with each upgrade as she convinces the female portion of the population to fight, but also essential to prevent an assassination that leads to a game over.
Remmy's building upgrades allow Remmy to form unique elf rangers that not only provide daily 1/2/3/4/5 soldiers and also able to go on missions that only elves are able to do and bring back resources.
Camp should have two new mercenaries to hire a fourth level mercenary is an elf that costs 250 coins but gains instant +90 soldiers and daily +4 soldiers while the fifth level mercenary is a dwarf that costs 300 coins but gains instant +110 soldiers and daily +5 soldiers. When they return from the mission fourth level earns 90 coins while the fifth level earns 110 coins.
Story for Each Character: Given how I have enough time to improve relationships with 20 energy, my previous suggestions of how helping characters also improve their relationships is mostly not needed although it would still be great if they are implemented in the next update. After all, these characters should feel grateful that their lord is helping them with their tasks. Gaining relationship points from helping characters should be minor compared to chatting with characters though as the former is for work while the latter is for meeting you although it is not related to work.
What is more important is how we learn more about each character's story as we improve their relationships. So I thought about possible stories for each character as they go from normal/joyful/happy/horny/slutty/(new relationship status called nympho). Here are my suggestions for each character.
Franco: His story is how his job as gatekeeper seems meaningless as illegal goods like drugs or criminals get through due to corruption. It is up to MC to convince Franco that this place is worth protecting as MC provides money to upgrade the gate. The bonus Franco gains after his story is how he will be a better gatekeeper who will prevent thieves, spies, and illegal goods from entering.
Laura: Her story is about how she tried to serve her previous lords loyally as a knight, but they were misogynists who didn't think that "female" knights would be good at their jobs as male knights. It is up to MC to convince Laura that he values her advice and services by upgrading her building to form all-female knights called Valkyrie as not only does she convince the female portion of the population to fight, but also essential to prevent an assassination that leads to a game over.
Miliyra: Her story is how as a ruler of elves, she is troubled by how to lead elves. This is because although she wants elves to explore the wider world, many elves isolate themselves inside the forest despite how their isolation causes their society to stagnate in contrast to humans and dwarves. It is up to MC to convince Miliyra as a fellow leader that she can convince elves to be better through her qualities as a leader. The bonus that Miliyra gains after her story is how after MC provides money to upgrade the elves' location, elves are allied with MC and provide daily food from the forest.
Remmy: Her story is a foil to Miliyra as she has been to the outside world, but does not favorably like the outside world due to her past experiences. It is up to MC to convince Remmy that not everything about the outside world is bad because she wouldn't met MC otherwise. The bonus that Remmy gains after her story is how after MC upgraded her building, she forms unique elf rangers that provide daily soldiers.
Roheisa: Her story is related to her past due to how she was unjustly imprisoned and sexually molested to the point that she lost her right eye. This is what convinced her to prostitute her prisoners. It is up to MC to encourage, discourage, or take the middle road when dealing with prostitution. It is also possible to raise cheap slave soldiers but have demerits like decreased charisma, and respect, and may rebel if not kept in check.
There should be at least two unique slaves from Roheisa as one is male while another is female. Maybe have them be siblings or twins. This could have its own plot line as it determines whether the lord is moral or immoral and thus the game's ending.
Annabel: Her story is about her personal connection to MC as they have a bond that is more than typical lord and maid. Her background story is how she just wanted to do her job as a maid, but her previous employers wanted her to "serve" them sexually. It was only after becoming MC's personal maid that such sexual harassment stopped. So it is up to MC to convince Annabel that he appreciates her services as a maid due to how her presence makes him sane as she had been supporting him through his troubled childhood. This is the flavor text behind MC upgrading her building as each building upgrade allows Annabel to improve MC's sanity daily due to how MC can relax due to her maid service. This is also the flavor text behind MC's home upgrade as Annabel becomes a head maid who leads other maids to maintain MC's home. And thanks to the work that Annabel's maids do, MC gains daily charisma and respect due to how MC's home reputation.
Rania: Her story is about how she has been banished thanks to elf traitors. It is up to MC to unbanish Rania's exile. The bonus that Rania gains is that after upgrading her building a fourth time, maxing her relationship, and working with another dwarf character, you can now build Hwacha.
Marian: Her story is about her religion as she deals with theological problems. She wonders if god really exists, why people are not devoted enough, and whether her religion should do more than pray. It is up to MC to help with answering those theological questions. This is quite important as it can determine the game's ending due to how her church can provide religious legitimacy to MC rather than to Brian by upgrading the building to the fifth level. The bonus that Marian gains after her story is providing church paladin out of loyal followers who serve as soldiers.
Hudson: His story is about how he came to serve MC due to Peter. It is up to MC to prove that he is a worthy leader whom Hudson is glad to serve. The bonus that Hudson gains after his story is he becomes prime minister who lessens daily cost or improves daily revenue.
Noah: His story is related to his close relationship with MC. It is up to MC to trust Noah as his top general.
Tillie: Her story is about how she is such a tomboy as it is not typical for a woman to like hunting. It is up to MC to accept or reject Tillie's tomboy nature. The bonus that Tillie gains after her story is how her hunters can not only serve as soldiers but also bring daily food.
Victoria: Her story is about how her family served as assassins, thieves, and spies for generations. This is why her building upgrades involve improving such activities. It is up to MC to encourage, discourage, or take the middle option when interacting with her. The bonus that Victoria gains after her story is how while her agents can work as soldiers if needed, they are more effective at spying, assassination, and stealing.
Sylavia: Her story is about how she loves reading books, but she is looked down upon because it is thought that women shouldn't be well educated. It is up to MC to encourage, discourage, or take the middle option when interacting with her. The bonus that Sylavia gains after her story is how not only granting more daily coins but also essential for finding documents or books that help MC.
Mollie: Her story is about her life as a farmer. One of the problems she deals with is whether to adopt innovative farming methods, technologies, and new crops at the cost of nature's devastation. Her building upgrade ties into how her daily food increases because she is adopting more efficient farming. The bonus that Millie gains after her story is more daily food and possible militia.
Annie: Her story is about her life as a fisherman. Her story is similar to Mollie's as to whether to adopt new fishing methods that increase food production at the cost of nature's devastation. Her building upgrade ties into how her daily food increases because she is adopting more efficient fishing. The bonus that Annie gains after her story is more daily food and possible navy.
I know that all these suggestions are either impractical or take a long time to implement, but I would be happy if even a fraction of them were implemented. And while it may not be possible to implement this for this game, it might be possible for your next game. Either way, keep up the good work.
Thanks again for being so supportive about the progress of the game... Even though I'm late to add some suggestions to the game, there are still things I can do. Adding new battle mechanics is still on my mind. Our relationships with the characters and their story is definitely something that needs to be emphasized. I said that in the current update I will focus on your decisions and the story. As you mentioned, it will be nice to get some bonuses for the right decisions. The game's ending is already ready and I need to move the story forward in a way that fits the ending. I will work on how to bring elves and dwarves into the story in a coherent way. The idea of classifying soldiers is a really excellent idea. It would be much better to use it in another game instead of rushing into the current one. Especially in a game where I'm working with an artist instead of ai. 馃挭
Omg i have the feeling not having the latest version XD - to be honest on day 29 i had like 600G and 900 Food that i couldn'T spend...
The mercaneries have to be bought on day one ! And after that you get an extra 150g every day! for the beginning just doing mission, food can be gotten easy with Mollie annie and upgrades because honestly.... you don't need it to be spent anywhere (That could be changed btw). A lot of stuff that where talken about seemed to be allready implimented? i mean with the energy pills you could normaly just hae the most girls on horny/Slut lvl ^^ Can't wait for 0.35
The story and character dialog quite good, got mention MC how to rise again.
For gameplay, need to add somethings (optional, because I think not so important. Or can be ignore my one if other player give better option):
- Send some characters to other area and collect resources (random chance to obtain rare materials).
- Add a mission list to show character's request that already accepted in future.
- Remark how many days will start blood moon (in mission list until mission fully cleared), even player knew it will started after each 10 days. The words can be turn red when left 3 days.
- Add "!" for character's location on the map if his/her special event is available in future.
- Add status beside character's relationship value. (Example: >10 = Lovely or Loyal)
- Current version only can use prisoner. Add option for punish or good care the prisoner (if got scene, would be perfect).
Then, the game will looks like masterpiece (maybe) ~ :D
Honestly, that's why I put Victoria in the game. In the future, I will make her travel outside the village to gather resources and information. I think it would be nice to have a countdown to the blood moon and missions that we can do. I think I can make a place in the room for us to see this information. As for prisoners, we can implement the idea of turning them into soldiers. In Premium I plan to add more detailed and varied sex scenes with prisoners. I better finish the slave trader first :D
Reading through the community's feedback so far it seems everyone has provided similar thoughts. Not make myself redundant here are some other perspectives I can provide after being able to clear 0.15 Premium Version past Day 30 and waiting for the next 0.15.5 patch.
鈥aily usable energy will be increased to 20.
I believe this is a much needed quality of life improvement. I found myself optimizing the perfect start in days 1-10 to set up days 11-20 and the future weeks to come. After about 4-5 failed runs, I was able to clear it on my 6th after learning what to prioritize with the current mechanics. Like others have stated, the daily usable energy window of 10 was very tight and allowed no room to explore other functions in the game. I found myself prioritizing Gold and Sanity like a madman. Gold could resolve the Food and Soldier costs once Gold production was streamlined. I learned the hard way that Sanity could only be obtained via the Prison haha. I had 2 runs where my Sanity led me to Game Over.
In my successful Day 30 run for the current 0.15 version, I found myself mindlessly spamming the following for many of my in-game days to optimize the 10 Energy Cap limitation:
1. Huntress Tillie (-1 Energy) > Help > -4 Energy for +20 Gold = -5 Energy Interaction Total for +20 Gold
2. Blacksmith Rania (-1 Energy) > Help > -2 Energy for +10 Gold = -3 Energy Interaction Total for +10 Gold
3. Mistress Annabel (-1 Energy) > Request = -1 Energy for +10 Gold
4. Warden Roheisa (- Energy) > Request > Use Gloryhole > Select Gloryhole level.
Upgrade wise, the building upgrades that I found myself prioritizing were: Gold + Sanity Production Buildings.
1. Spymaster Victoria (Gold)
2. Librarian Sylavia (Gold)
3. Warden Roheisa (Gold + Sanity) > The Sanity Production limitation to this one building and requiring 1/10 energy to combat the -10 daily Sanity Consumption was a bottle neck. I can see how it may be resolved by the 20 energy cap, but hopefully there will be more ways to produce sanity in the future.
Food and Soldiers I found to have the least priority once the Gold Production was streamlined. In the current state of the game:
1. Food production is only necessary to combat the daily Food Consumption and often times I just needed to be net positive or zero. I recall seeing Farmer Mollie saying we will be able to sell extra food for coins, but did not see the feature implemented. May be in a future update possibly.
2. Soldiers are only needed to be kept above 0 in order to survive the day or Blood Moon wars. Often found myself allowing a -1 to -3 Daily Soldier Consumption as a result until my Gold Production was able to bring Soldier production back to zero. I mostly optimized for Arrows and Stones from Blacksmith Rania which were enough for clearing the Day 30 Blood Moon.
In both instances, I would love to see more functionality of the Food and Soldier resources. As currently, there really isn't much use for them, but I am sure you have a lot of features planned.
鈥oing to visit characters will continue to consume -1 energy. I will make some adjustments to the energy limitation.
Seems fair for the current state of the game. The increase of the daily useable energy to 20 will allow for more breathing room and flexibility on gameplay decisions to the Player.
鈥he amount of energy you spend on helping characters with their work will decrease.
That will help tremendously in the current state of the game, but may need to be revisited for game balance in the future.
鈥aily expenses will be organized.
Another quality of life improvement. Had to personally calculate the net positive/negative values of Gold, Soldiers, and Food after every blood moon to get my production in check. I was wondering when a daily expense summary would be introduced.
鈥ain and side quests will be added. A new area will be added to the room so you can look at the quests.
鈥he price and damage of items you use in sieges will be adjusted.
鈥hen you visit Hudson, you will have a few village problems to solve. New problems will be added every few days. If these problems accumulate and remain unresolved, your respect will start to diminish.
鈥 few new romantic scenes with the characters will be added.
Note: I have completed most of the new features and in my experience the game is now much more playable. I'm planning to install the new version of the game after I've progressed the story. It's time to build a castle to defend our village...
After playing Clover Revenge, I was really impressed with what you made with the knowledge and resources you had available in real life to make this game. Keep up the great work. Excited to see how the choices we made in Season 1 will affect Season 2 story wise. It's giving me Dragon Age World State vibes on a smaller scale.
It will be interesting to see how the energy cap and changes made to 0.15.5 will affect the gameplay from 0.15. There are a few things others have brought up that will also upvote.
1. Music Index as suggested by @Nep - I been loving the music a lot and was pleasantly surprised.
2. Thankfully with the 20 energy cap, Players can finally explore relationships with the characters more and deepen their relationships. Can't wait to see what you have in store. Hopefully there are events where our choices matter that can alter the World State of Season 3 if we get there haha.
Can't really think of much more at this time, but let me know if there's something you would like an opinion on and I would be happy to answer.
Thank you for explaining it so well. Obviously, after completing the version, your requests kept coming. So instead of releasing 0.15.5, I continued to develop the game. I think I'll leave the story progression for the next update. First of all, this is a good opportunity to see if the system in the game is currently balanced. Thanks to the side quests and main quests, some of the options you will see when you communicate with the characters will start to open in the coming days. In this way, we will also prevent the game from entering the loop. There will be no shortage of food in the first weeks of the game. Many players will try to get through the day and collect money by keeping food around 100. Those who know me will realise this is a trap. In future updates, I still recommend you to have food ready in your warehouse as a backup. The game won't just be about our village. Different battles will take place in different regions. For this, other kingdoms and lords need to be opened. I plan to use these new mechanics that we will use in battles in different regions. I hope you will continue to tell your requests and suggestions in the next updates. Obviously, thanks to you, I have improved myself and I would love to continue to improve...
Great game so far. Very unique and enjoyable.
I didnt read every word in this forum, but I wonder if I am the only one found this (shouldnt be, I consider this as a game breaking bug!):
Having mercaneries is great income for soldiers and gold.
1) I hire one at day 1. Give him a task (money or food or recruits) on the same day: He never comes back (at least not in the first 10 days).
2) I hire one at day 1. Meet him next day: He brings a lot of money for the mission. Next day again - and again, again. Looks like an exploit. Btw, I did not send him on a mission to bring gold.
3rd mercanery is best. Impo 2nd should be after 1st, 3rd after 2nd. Should be similar to upgrade the houses (3rd not possible before 1st).
When clicking on the door of my room, the question "do you really want to go outside" is just obsolete. Ofc, I want to go outside. One click too much.
Looking forward so much for update.
Yes, discord would be really helpful. What about Patreon?
The mercenaries you hire will give you money at the first meeting. I did this on purpose, so it's fine. Then when you send the mercenaries on a mission, you won't be able to interact with them for a few days, you will wait for them to finish the mission. I think in a few days they come back from the mission and give you what you requested. If you can request things over and over again before a few days are up, then yes, this is a bug and needs to be fixed. If you are sure about this, I will check it immediately and fix it in the next update. As for other things, I need more time to be honest. I have a new game coming soon where I will be working with some artists. Once we are organized, I will have time to take care of everything.
Hi evelai,
I am now at day 20, and the mercs gave me money every day from day 2 on. This should be like that, coz there is a lot of money needed. On day 19 I sent one of them to recruite soldiers, which seems to take longer. Thats also ok.
The bug is: When I talk to them on day 1 (same day as meeting them in the inn), and give them a mission to collect gold, they did not come back within 10 days. Without the money from them, the game is stuck obviously.
Thanks for quick answer.
Soon the forest location and other lords' locations will open according to the story. So you will be able to collect different materials in the forest and trade with other lords. I will also let you get random loot after battles with orcs, which will make it a bit easier to craft siege weapons. I'm going to reconsider sending mercenaries on missions, I really want the game to be balanced.
Thanks for your comment <3
- Glory hole (3) gives 35 sanity, thats a bit much (compared to 5 for sex with friends).
- 20 energy per day is a lot, takes some grinding to use it up.
Lets say I do 4 visits for the 2 charisma and 2 respect every normal day. Suggestion: One click for all 4, with a report for the 4 visits. Same with 3 working visits.
- Some scenes are very slow, specially the black screenes (like the one when the maid is sent out for cleaning, takes an eternity until she comes back.
Suggestion: A button to let player continue to next scene.
Thank you 馃槑
20 energy might seem a bit much at the beginning of the game. In the first version of the game we started with 10 energy and frankly the gameplay was really hard. In the future there will be a lot more things to do during the day as other locations will open up. So I think 20 energy is good (maybe not even enough). The short waits in the interaction are obviously to immerse the player a bit more. I think the ctrl key still works. This way you can quickly skip repetitive scenes. Finally, I will revisit the respect and reputation we gain by interacting with characters. I think it would save a lot of time to spend more energy and provide more respect and charisma. For example, when helping characters with their work, we can choose to help them more or less.
Hi evelai, the graphics in your game, impo TOP!
But tbh, there is one pic I really dislike (even turn my head and look somewhere else in my room): "Glory hole". Is the girl dead since a week? Or 90% frozen to death? Impo this doesnt look sexy at all. I never would go there if there would not be 35 sanity. Sorry, not sexy, not attractive. Nobody mentioned this? (sorry did not read all).
Hey, Rolo!
Obviously the glory hole is something that humans need in part to keep their sanity, so I thought it would be more appropriate to use orcs instead of humans, you know... You don't have to worry about the scenes. Right now I'm completely focused on the story because there's another game coming soon that's connected to each other. In the next update I might increase the visuals and let you choose what you want. After all, you pay a lot of coins for a glory hole upgrade. It shouldn't be limited to just three images. 馃挭
Clover's Revenge season 1. You can download it from this link. https://evelai.itch.io/clover-revenge
I advise you to wait a few more days. I'm about to upload the remastered version of the game. You can trust me that the next update will be much better.
Obviously I didn't want to add sexuality to this part of the story. You know what I mean... In some places I made some references to Clover Revenge about this situation. For once, thinking about Miliyra saved us from going crazy. But what kind of person we will become in the days to come... For now, I think the sex scene of the characters in the village is enough. I would like to focus more on the scenes of the girls who are important to us (Laura, Remmy, Miliyra), especially the details of the slave trader, which is only available for premium accounts. I will try to use this idea you gave me in one of the missions :)
Logical and balanced, you can be sure. I fixed the village wall at a certain health level to prevent players from only recruiting soldiers and not using siege weapons. So that means you have about 7-8 attack commands, depending on your luck. Otherwise you could easily defeat all the blood moons just by sending troops. Remember your conversations with the lords. If you don't clear the forest you will have to fight a big army of orcs... As I said, there are different scenarios and dialogs at many points in the game depending on your choices and actions.
I'm surprised that you can recruit so many soldiers. even when I was playing I was going on with about 300 soldiers :D . I need to bring a balance to this. It would make sense to increase your food costs according to the number of soldiers you have. When the dwarves open, you will be able to upgrade the wall. If the wall has enough health, you can continue attacking with your soldiers. For now, go back to day 40 if possible. You have too many soldiers, you can clear the forest easily. I think you can easily make siege weapons with the loot you will gain from the orcs in the forest. I think 4-5 attacks with siege weapons will be enough.
In the blood moon after talking to Lord Steven, the forest location opens up. If you have many men, fewer will die. If you have few men, many soldiers will die. After killing all the orc groups in the forest, the next blood moon will be easier. By the way, if you have a lot of food you can sell it to Lella the merchant for coins. With the coins you can buy soldiers from Noah.
by the way, I think we talked about this in the comment of the user named "rolo". i thought of a new solution to keep the number of soldiers in balance. the more soldiers you have, the more food you will spend. therefore, you will need to increase the number of soldiers in a balanced way. i will relieve you a little more in terms of resources with the new regions to be opened. (like looking for food in the forest we cleared)
I鈥檓 stuck where you confront Ember but the game isn鈥檛 reacting when I click on any of the choices, nothing happens & I remain on the screen with the choices
it does however make an auto save, all my auto saves are now on this same screen, I鈥檓 playing on Linux (Steam Deck) but I鈥檒l try it on Windows in the morning
- Spoiler alart -
Thanks alot cannot wait to see final version like OPEN Forest, Visiting Dwarves and Elves and stuff like this. One idea perhaps,
Could we add Strangers visiting the Tavern from day to day just giving you small events/Benefits/scenes stuff like this? (i guess more something for the future) Because otherwise as for me buying the Merchants day one (what is in my eyes one of the best starts into the game :P) The Tavern is irrelevant for the total rest of the game. just having some strangers coming by from time to time story line could give you info (Charisma respect, ressources or scenes. Perhaps a "special guest that you can chat with and some options lead to better relationships). (faster of course then your normal female character). I thought of Sam or John ( damn i forgot his name --> the new future hire of clover castle :P) he could be there for example everyday giving you the chance to drink and eat with him (50g) and get +1 respect and +1 charisma with -2 energy
Just some examples to get the Tavern roling ^^
Hello, I have some suggestions:
1- I don't know if it's just me, but I thought there was a post-scene missing in the glory hole. Some image after the choice or the same style as the female characters. (I particularly prefer the post-scenes hehe, same layout as the first game).
2- The waiting time for mercenaries who were dispatched in search of resources ends up being a little long considering the quantity they provide. I believe that reducing the time or increasing the amount of resources obtained is also a good thing.
3- The number of soldiers that are supplied daily is getting very close to what is consumed daily, it turns out that the most efficient way to obtain troops is to buy them from Noah.
Yes, it is very good to receive several troops at once, the problem is that it is only at the time of purchase, as time goes by the troops they provide daily are consumed on the same day, if the game extends even further, we will end up earning 2 to 3 soldiers per day with the daily consumption of guards. And whether we like it or not, the money to buy the troops with Noah will not be enough to supply everything.
Well as the 1st season of the game the 2nd is also good but as I said previously if you could add animations in the h scenes it would be much better also the map designing is very complex than the previous season. I would much prefer the previous season's map designing (I mean system ). But I think you could make it easy for us . Also the coin earning and food reservation problem. I have seen few people talking about it too. I hope you will consider these problems to be fixed 馃檪
he jugado vuestra primera temporada, y he de decir que te felicito. Buena y entretenida obra, no resulta tedioso con dialogos largos y la jugabilidad es precisa.
Me gustar铆a proponer algunas cosas, pero la forma en que lo estas manejando me parece adecuada. Como creador de literatura de fantas铆a, te doy mi bendici贸n <3
I鈥檝e requested this in the first game (Revenge), but I鈥檒l do it here too:
A way to hide the text area and buttons and/or an option in the settings menu to change the color and opacity of the text area.
But both the APK and the Android app icons are the default Ren鈥橮y, maybe consider changing them to something appropriate to the game?