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this was pretty fun! it wasn't really clear for a bit that you were supposed to click on the enemies since most twin stick shooters just have the shot emit from the player outward. maybe a custom cursor that indicates when you're over an enemy? i did figure that out though and had some fun shooting ufos. the music fits well and matches the pace of the game. the enemies can sometimes start firing the instant they enter the screen which leads to what felt like cheap damage, but there's also just not much of a way to avoid it. good job on this though, ue can be a lot to work with so it's awesome ya'll were able to get something complete done in the time limit!


I'm glad you liked it! D.RaySedated was the one working in Unreal Engine and she did a fantastic job.


Yeah it took me FOREVER to figure out how to get the bullet to shoot up without the player staring off into space (no pun intended haha!).  Thank you so much!!