Thanks for the feedback. You actually touched on a number of issues I ran into that I wasn't able to fully address.
-The FOV was one thing I struggled with, either the camera felt too low or it got a weird fisheye lens effect when I messed around. I tried to find a happy medium but it fell short for some.
-I'm not sure if you are in discord but it came up - I didn't even think twice about the strafe, it was so far off my radar I didn't even think to change it. It was as easy as flipping a switch in the engine lol.
- The enemies turning sideways was due to some bug I couldn't figure out, originally they were billboard sprites but for whatever reason collision was broken when I had them set to billboards and the flat 'cardboard' models the collision worked, so it was the only way to make combat actually possible. The bug even persists on the 'cardoard' models when you have a bit of madness and rest in the ship, a zombie spawns and the laser goes right through, yet fixes itself when you load out and load back in the map.
-That's a good point on the return to ship thing. I just thought it would be obvious, but it's obvious to me when I built it that way lol.
-the pointing to shoot is something I need do look into, at least getting it to snap back after a second or something, if not just change it to you have to face the enemy to shoot.
Not excuses but listing these out I can actually reference the comment later. I'm glad you had fun and thanks for the detailed response!