Is is not about a message, it is about you feeling entitled to get something you didn’t pay for. Mike advertised 1.0 and even gave you 1.1, and he’s even updating itch with 1.2 without the new items. You’re not losing support, you’re just not getting free DLC and you’re not entitled to it.
Friend, stop trying to defend the indefensible, the creator doesn't give a shit about us who support him.
It's ironic that you say that we are not losing support and in the same text you said that we will not just receive an att that will add more content.
There is no reason why we shouldn't receive the update, the only explanation is greed.
I’ve personally talked with the creator. Have you? He does care. He needs to make a living, and getting paid for his work is important. You got what you paid for on itch. You didn’t pay for the Steam items. The creator didn’t know there would be Steam items, he wasn’t withholding them from you. Losing support and not getting free DLC are two very different things.
The creator’s not doing anything wrong here, and you need to stop thinking paying a small one time price gives you access to anything you want. You got what you paid for and you’re not losing it.
Brother, by God, do you think it's fair that I put a game on 1 platform and after everyone buys my game, I just abandon the old one and release it on a new one along with an att and prevent the people who got the game on the old one from getting it the update? the argument that "the creator didn't know there would be Steam items" is flawed precisely because he should give the keys to those who bought his game, if those people knew that they simply couldn't receive the game even though they bought it from , they would have expected it to come out on Steam and bought it from there. It's not our fault if the developer didn't have planning.
Não importa quanto foi pago, o fato é que independente de ser uma empresa ou mesmo uma desenvolvedora Indie, irei criticá-la da mesma forma. Não vou amenizar um problema só porque é uma desenvolvedora Indie, esse tipo de atitude só piora o cenário dos jogos Indie .
Em nenhum momento fui desrespeitoso, apenas apresentei um problema gravíssimo.