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attack would be better as a key rather than mouse - it makes it awkward to play on a laptop using the mouse

(2 edits)

Thanks a lot for trying out our demo and your feedback is so important to us! 

So, about what you mentioned, you're totally on point. The thing is, our full game has more gameplay mechanics that we didn't include in the demo. Adding those could make things a bit complicated with all the keys involved, potentially making it uncomfortable for players. 

But don't worry, we'll definitely take your feedback into account when we're polishing up the final version of our game.

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I will second bigjus' comment (and thank you bigjus - I was starting to think I was alone in calling out games for that control decision). I played the game for the 3 seconds required to confirm that there wasn't an undocumented attack key, and came straight down here to make that comment.

I feel like I should comment anyway, to provide feedback from another perspective (general UX rather than just specifically the laptop limitation):

A mouse isn't just a substitute for a button, it allows an entirely different style of interaction than a keyboard or gamepad. If the additional gameplay mechanics you mention include things that require pointing/dragging/scrollwheel/etc, then obviously the mouse is the way to go. But if no such interactions are involved, the mouse isn't a particularly intuitive "button" because that's not what a mouse is. And if the concern is that the additional mechanics will need more buttons, I'd be even more concerned about using a mouse as just a button, because then you're limited to two or three buttons - but you could do more with both hands on the keyboard. (and if you are planning anything that might use left and right click at the same time, I'll mention that's not even possible on a trackpad, so the controls move from awkward to impossible at that point).

If the game really does need the mouse, then using the mouse button for attack might well make sense, since you really don't want the player to have to keep switching between mouse and keyboard. But without aimed attacks, it's difficult (for me at least) to imagine a 2D platformer game that would actually benefit from using the mouse.

completely agree with you there , lots of games on this site recently are using the mouse for attack and its just not ergonomically good ... i seem to be posting the same comments about it all the time !

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Hello bigjus, 

We took notes when your comment first reached us, now we decided to give it more priority with the feedback of other people. Thank you again for this important comment.

Have a nice day...

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Thanks a lot for trying out our demo

First of all, thank you again for your valuable feedback. We are a group of friends who are just warming up to this sector and determined to progress in this field. Most of us are trying to improve ourselves in this regard. For this reason, we have already taken your valuable comments into consideration, both for us and for the full version of our game, and have moved them to the top of our notes. If you would like to comment further about the game, please do not hesitate. Every evaluation you give us is of great importance for us to improve ourselves and the game.

We thank you very much for your time and attention to both the review and the demo. We would be very happy if you share it with your friends in your close circle of interest.

Thank you for all...