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(5 edits) (+9)(-5)

i hate when people use the term/excuse "it's only 3 dollars on steam tho?" my brother in christ i get that this is an indie developer who made this game for probably months and it's just him alone and Mike needs money but that doesn't change the fact that thousands of people bought the game here, supporting it and now they have to buy it again on steam with more money, i will wait for literal months just to get a code from the developer or a steam key for an access because i love this game from the start.

(also a delayed update and no multiplayer on this version)

(1 edit) (+6)(-3)

That's exactly what I'm saying! It doesn't matter the price, a developer stabbing their early supporters in the back in favor of new buyers is a shitty move (and frankly, I'd argue the people against it are more hypocritical than they realize — after all, if "it's a three-dollar game, not a twenty-dollar game" is their defense, aren't they the ones who would only stand against this if the price was an issue? It's a matter of money, not principle, to them.)


The way I see it, the dev probably never expected this much success from the game and thus listed it on itch. Then it exploded and a steam release made sense. Now that release has features that are, presumably, explicitly supported by the steam API (read: not itch); imo enough new features to justify another pricetag.

That's a lie though actually. The way I really see it is that I could pay for this game in fucking pennies, get over yourself.


If you're gonna be an asshole about it, then don't bother commenting in the first place. Grow the fuck up and accept that pulling a shady move like this isn't gonna go uncontested.


You're calling me an asshole when the dude I replied to is telling other commenters to kill themselves. Fuck off 👍