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This is likely the most underrated game of this game jam. I feel I can’t express my opinion fully with words, but I’ll try.

  • literally perfectly used ingredients
  • the motorcycle exploration mechanic pairs extremely well together with the resource-optimization mechanic in the town
  • nice use of both audio, and quiet
  • minimal but ingenious dialogue

Brave New Town has some kind of special atmosphere to it. It’s just so simple, but at the same time so much more. Despite there being no concrete goal, I was left wanting to play more, find another settler, find out what the Joker will say next, or maybe convince them to stay. (On a side note, I’d love to see some continuation or ending to the Joker storyline, or maybe some actually implemented character quests.)

I love how the visuals work. The hidden desert buildings fading in and out. The dialogue boxes. And the town changes visuals with each upgrade!

This game doesn’t need points, stars, useless puns, arbitrary goals, or even risk (there is no way to lose anything) to motivate the player. Playing this game is its own reward. You should try it too.