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A member registered Mar 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Big thanks for the feedback! I agree and a JSON-less future is planned for Prophicient (and much more!). Until then, god is stuck with Windows95-ahh interface :)

Thank you for the excellent write-up. Here are my main ideas about the future of Prophicient:

  • main change: adding interactive tutorial scene with small step-by-step tasks
  • JSON is planned to be abandoned in favor of something better. Maybe taking inspiration from Minecraft WorldEdit’s syntax? As well as adding a proper list of functionality. Implementing standalone expression evaluator would also enable a web build.
  • hover tips for feedback were not added due to technical issues. This will be resolved. Also, there are further functional improvements planned for the UI, including resetting the level to see the constraints better.
  • game economy was introduced to better tie in the Ingredients. It is confusing and hard to design levels for. The current plan is to replace it with flat difficulty levels, with no money carried over between levels. Maybe something like Bad Piggies star system.
  • tune the miner AI a bit, and explain the miner’s actions better in game.
  • remake the graphics

All of this is also held back by all the technical debt accumulated in the project. E.g. there is no level editor, spaghetti code, etc. I will try my best to make this into a complete game.

A lot of things about this game are just right. The pacing, the learning curve, the controls, the simple graphics, even the [redacted]. Reminds me a bit of Do You Copy?.

Yes, there are a few downsides, the lore is too short, the ships don’t visibly correlate with the messages, there are some glitches, etc. But on the other hand, tuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

This game slaps. Go play it right now.

Game Designer Jesse Schell says, that there are two kinds of themes in games. Experience-based (commonly found), and truth-based. Truth-based themes can be much stronger than experience-based ones, and little is required to have the theme resonate in the minds and hearts of players.

And Bring Me To Light brings, well, a truth to light. The game is so much given so little. The controls are messy, the level is tiny, the only music is in the ending, and there are several bugs and inconsistencies. But the truth, hidden inside, shadows all of these.

Also, the moth animation is great. 10/10

Definitely! As a one-man project, it currently is more of a proof-of-concept, than a complete package. But it is reviews like these that give all the motivation to change that (update coming soon?). Thank you for playing!

Naprosto ukázkový, učebnicový příklad jamové hry. Jednoduchá myšlenka, dobré zpracování. Gameplay působí překvapivě čerstvě, i když by neuškodilo přidat něco s větší hloubkou, třeba i level kde dojde k opakovanému použití jednoho jablka.

Ve hře je k nalezení spousta hezkých nápadů. Snakyval můžu doporučit úplně každému. 10/10

This is likely the most underrated game of this game jam. I feel I can’t express my opinion fully with words, but I’ll try.

  • literally perfectly used ingredients
  • the motorcycle exploration mechanic pairs extremely well together with the resource-optimization mechanic in the town
  • nice use of both audio, and quiet
  • minimal but ingenious dialogue

Brave New Town has some kind of special atmosphere to it. It’s just so simple, but at the same time so much more. Despite there being no concrete goal, I was left wanting to play more, find another settler, find out what the Joker will say next, or maybe convince them to stay. (On a side note, I’d love to see some continuation or ending to the Joker storyline, or maybe some actually implemented character quests.)

I love how the visuals work. The hidden desert buildings fading in and out. The dialogue boxes. And the town changes visuals with each upgrade!

This game doesn’t need points, stars, useless puns, arbitrary goals, or even risk (there is no way to lose anything) to motivate the player. Playing this game is its own reward. You should try it too.

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I don’t think I can submit a point rating for Demon of the Tube, but I’d love to see a whole prototype in the future!

The premise is really good, the ingredients used perfectly (except joker??), and it’s really cool that you made your own assets and UI from scratch. This could be, and still can be epic.

Edit: also Gandalf. Lol.

This game is actually such a treat!

I love the main mechanic, its just a joy to play with. It’s so simple to get into and understand how to play, and the levels build up so nicely. I love it.

The dialogue/lore feels natural, and combined with all other elements (from laugh track, character sprites, to settings menu) carries over its signature humor. Something with Liminal! just feels right.

It’d be great to have some more development to the mechanics, maybe a minimap/zoom out, or something as the other comments suggested? Or even just a final level or something. Also, the use of ingredients is weak but doesn’t feel detrimental to the game.


Tahle hra, ačkoliv nová, pro mě byla trochu nostalgickým zážitkem.

Je spousta super, pěkných věcí na téhle hře.

  • replay funkce!
  • intuitivní, ač omezené ovládání
  • built in tutoriál + popis ovládání
  • super využití ingrediencí
  • závěrečná animace
  • diegetická hudba!!

Hra je perfektně optimalizovaná pro game jam – tématicky ucelené zábava pro pár minut nebo i pár hodin + super pitch. Zároveň ale hra má málo vlastního. Nedá se toho moc vytknout přímo – konzistence vizuálu, learning curve, atd. jsou všechny super. Ale fakt mi na hře chybělo něco, co už není jinde, a generická gamifikace(!) hry tomu moc nepomáhá.

Závěrem: hrozně si cením toho, jak, Skaters Paradise ukazuje, že hra nepotřebuje mít meníčka, achievementy, složitý tutoriál, ani konec (eternaleffortlike?). Stačí mít něco hezkého, co stojí za to zahrát.

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Thank you for the excellent review! It brings me joy to know this project is something worth investing development into. If you find any other shortcomings, feel free to add them. We will definitely focus on making this game into something better.

Nemůžu si pomoct, hrozně se mi líbí myšlenka bestiáře. Všechno, co hráč potřebuje, je napsáno černé na bílém. A přesto to je fakt těžké vyřešit. Nejtěžší šifrou se ukazuje být prostě lidský jazyk.

Tato hra taky nabízí dnes již legendární Nepřeskočitelný tutoriál, který sloužil jako inspirace pro tento komicky dlouhý speedrun :)


Thank you! Thanks for sharing the bugs, and the feedback, and everything. We hope to upload an improved version once the voting is over :)

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Ačkoli ne perfektní, tahle hra pokračuje v tradici geniálně jednoduchých puzzle her. Nostalgický zážitek jako vytažený ze starých archivů Flash her. 10/10. Jsem zvědavý, jestli vyjde nějaký další update :)

Thank you so much for the comment. We are collecting bugs to be fixed and improvements to be made and plan on releasing a “small” patch in the future. If you’d have any other suggestions, it would be awesome if you could share them too :)

Moc díky za (nad moje očekávání) pozitivní review :) Moc díky za fakt detailní rozbor, dodává mi motivaci hru dál zlepšit.

Wow! Nice visuals, smooth movement, glorious and goofy combat and a nice learning curve. This game doesn’t miss :)


How to walk backwards??


“All you need to DENY HUMANITY THE SKY is a few tools, a little instruction, and a vision in your mind.” 10/10!

Thanks for the evaluation, we’ll try to improve this when updates become possible. Glad you liked the game!


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Honestly I have no idea how to rate this. Looking forward to the update though!

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Is this the Limit?

PS. this game rocks! (pun not intended)

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Thanks a lot! What’s your Endless highscore? :)


Nice score!

We are aware of a bug causing the indestructible block to emit a sound when mined. We will be patching this when the submissions become editable again, as well as improving the destroy animation, as you said.

Thanks for letting us know.


Určitě díky hlavně za podněty k dalšímu zlepšení, moc si jich cením. Taky si cením toho, že náš tým vyzněl jako sehraný :D

Co se týče originality, tak nějakou určitě můžete najít, kousíček od každého člena týmu :) Za členy týmu: Martin - mecha žraloci, Lukáš - AI na obeplouvání hráče, Dima - vlastní HUD ikonky, Rudolf - respawn screen má pozadí z vlastních fotek a mění se s hloubkou.

Přiznávám, že poslední ingredience byla skoro nesplněna, původní záměr byl postupně zvětšovat žraloky, aby byli nakonec opravdu obří, ale kvůli problémům s AI jsme to nakonec úplně nevystihli.

Ještě jednou moc díky za zpětnou vazbu. Jsme rádi, že se hra líbila.

– Team14

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  • procedurální
  • vymakanější fyzika, než se zdá
  • nápovědy (víc!!!)
  • skvělý jako minihra, nebo jako základ pro něco jiného
  • přímo “k věci”


  • mohlo by mít skóre při neúspěchu
  • restart button?

Cool :)

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  • zbraň na jedné straně
  • zmenšování
  • random zbraně
  • úžasný základ pro široký výběr her


  • změnit staty? připrav se na minutu klikání
  • hitboxy pro střely jsou trochu sus
  • cíl?? zničit toho **** modrého?

Celkem: skvělý koncept