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Cute and challenging game. The visuals are perfect! There is obviously a lot of polish put into the graphics, characters, sound and animations making the game feel very professional.

I think the game could be improved if mechanics were not introduced so often. It felt like there was a tutorial on every level. Progression would feel smoother if a mechanic was introduced and then the player had a chance to play with it for a couple of levels before adding a new one. And then add some levels mixing the mechanics.

I also though the human characters preset path made the puzzles feel like trial and error. It would be nice to have some indication on how to solve the puzzle without having to play it through first.

A couple of minor UI/UX improvements: When retrying just reset the path by default. Having to undo the moves seemed like a  needless step. Clicking Done and then play also felt like a pointless extra click for the player. Oh and I couldn't find an exit button in any of the menus!

Really great effort! You have a very polished looking game on your hands!


Thank you for your feedback!

I’m glad that you liked the game. The initial levels try to introduce players to the basic concepts. But you are right—they might seem like individual mechanics from the user’s perspective. Afterward, the new characters are mixed in, and it quickly becomes overwhelming. I didn’t think of it before, but now I see that we need levels in between to allow the player to experiment more and see how every piece of the puzzle works.

Your idea about indicating the puzzle result without running the simulation is interesting. However, it contradicts the game’s main idea. In Forest Farming, you plan individual routes for each character without knowing the result, and then you test how they work together and whether everyone gets what they need in the end. I will think about how we can improve ‘build-time’ indications. Thanks for the suggestion!

Good catch with the ‘Exit’ button :) It somehow vanished in the course of development.

Thank you for playing!