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And, personally, I don't feel satisfied with the game solution, Maybe because the fact the Sval is the victim from the start but have to forced to negotiate peace instead. I agree about they should put a long hurtful history aside and try to make peace. BUT aren't they a little too naive, hopeful and goody-two-shoes for demons that lived for millennia? Like, they just learned about the betrayal but Aarya still be like I want to believe in power of peace or else we will get bad ending, and didn't have a damn back up plan either didn't sit right with me. The council didn't have good will either, since they obviously try to cover it up and even absolution for his sin once they learned Aarya didn't let the Sval know about this yet. It would be much more interesting if we get a choice where we can kill Harald silently and fake his death as if it was an accident, or we can cooperate with Shawn and make it a simply domestic revenge where the husband revenge for his wife, AND still negotiate peace without get bad end. Good thing Shawn is there to save this mess by spread the news. Sorry Aarya but Floki is right, you deserve his axe you know? Eventhough there are the Eskia former king to save the day, but I don't like it. This whole "just be good and heaven (someone else) will punishment the bad for you" so meh. In the end it still need SOMEONE to carry out the punishment, then why couldn't we do it ourself (and then life happily ever after) and instead wait and hopefully the heaven or someone will take care of it? (Not the characters, but the solution give me that feeling, there are way too many stories do that it frustrated me).


I so agree with you. In general, the plot was fine until MC found out about his sister’s death and did nothing about it. The moment with the queen on the ship completely killed me. After all, to put it simply, the whole situation, just imagine: your dear one is kidnapped and taken apart for organs; a few years later, an organ recipient shows up on your doorstep and tells a sob story about how the kidnapper was theirs childhood friend and tried so hard to cure them. And the narrative is constructed as if the reader\MC is supposed to empathize with this? Wtf.
And you can only avenge her death in the bad ending? I don't know, for me the "bad" ending is the most canonical. And logical from the point of view of the development of MC character. You see, in the flashback we are shown that MC has not forgiven humans for the war and does not believe them - Nidhogg believes. She promises that they will change their mind when they follow her. She disappears. Instead of searching for her, MC spends 15 years as an adopted child, 15 years of which are not shown to us at all, even as flashbacks, but for some reason we have to believe that these two adoptive parents changed MC's opinion about humanity so much that MC communicate absolutely friendly with everyone around and with news of the violent death of her sister as a result of betrayal, MC still believe in a peaceful solution? I don't know, I'm very disappointed with the last third game.
Although, considering how much Nidhogg didn’t believe in MC, that she didn’t even want to show her daughter, maybe the closeness of their relationship was exaggerated. Poor Shaun. By the way, why didn’t MC ever check Lilith’s condition? She's a magical being, don't they care about all of them?
Well, Harald, of course, a cool man, for the sake of saving one person, continued a war on a global scale, as a result of which his friend still has a significant chance of dying not by natural causes. A reliable plan, just like a Swiss watch.

Absolutely! Aarya could have better thought about human, but it just 15 years, it's nothing compare to millenia years of war! They could only hate human less at best! And with the news of such a betrayal, how could they take it so... well? Even Emrys first thought is revenge! But I can understand why Nidhoggr didn't dare to bring up about her child to Aarya. She's scared of their reaction and maybe her daughter and her husband safety if they learned about it, consider how much Aarya hate human back then, and Shawn is the result they get from killing Lucius whole clan. I think that's also why she tried to change Aarya's opinion about human first before let them know. That's more about how you know someone well enough to predict their reaction and want to handle it the best you could rather than trust issue to me.

It's more about inconstancy. And she miscalculated. She expected Aarya to take her union with the homunculus and her daughter so badly, considering she wasn't some stranger, while Aarya had absolutely no problem with humans when they were alone. Narrative logic died somewhere here.
Everything looks as if Nidhogg died by accident and Harald simply decided not to let the good things go to waste. And when his action was revealed, he was like “oops, sorry, but I really needed that.” In this case, I would probably really just shrugged, but we are dealing with premeditated murder.