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A member registered Feb 01, 2021

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did you get into the route yet? there is route guide on Steam

I'm also curious why you think so.

I love love love Jinhai soooooo much but I didn't want to romance her cuz romance monk is my taboo 🥲

(1 edit)

I just wanna say Cinderella Phenomenon, Red Embrace Hollywood and Bandcamp Boyfriend are crowdfunding games and this one is not, which mean the dev have to pay the development cost out of their pocket money, which also why the game cost this high for such a short game.

Beside, not everyone can working to a game for years out of pure hobby, they need money as movitation and kind of responsibility to keep going. You can say it's not worth to you, but it's pretty unfair to compare to other game dev who make game just for hobby because they want to and / or they can handle more workload so they don't need to hire ppl.

I guess you didn't read the KS post carefully enough. Studio Chiffon mentioned Everium is another studio, totally not relate to the them. And this is Everium's version of Softly with Teeth. Beside the character name, vampire and Halloween party concept, it's obvious that everything get build up from scratch. This is not the original "Softly with Teeth" you knew from the KS and Studio Chiffon anymore.

And if you take a look on Everium itch io, you will notice that they already release a few short game, which have the same style as this. Everium style clearly different from Studio Chiffon.

thank you so much for the community copies

I definitely get 7kpp once it coming to Steam 🫶

Reading this feel like as if my mind take a form and writing it themself 🫣


you can use the fan guide on steam to get his happy end if you got stuck

(5 edits)

Edit: I just wanna add one more thing to this feedback

The writing style seems to be trying to bring in the humour in the comic style.

For example, the female lead thinks about how to make the servant see her as trustworthy, and she just outright says I AM VERY TRUSTWORTHY.

But this is a serious mistake.

Why do you think when adapting a comic into a movie, people don't give the actors blue, red, purple, and yellow hair like in the story? Because it doesn't fit.

Each genre has its own style of expression. With comics, its strength is expressed through images - images are what lead the story, it is expressed through each character's reaction through each frame, the expressions are also exaggerated to make the reader feel the humor. The comic's formula for creating humor cannot be applied to novels because the way of expression for the reader to perceive is fundamentally different. Unless the dev make game with the comic style like Lingering.


So far, the only 2 things I enjoy about the game are the divine Opening song and Somate's artwork. And please note that I didn't hold any expectation when I drive into this demo.

Most of my problem with the game already got feedback from the comments below:

-the overused joke

-plenty of words repeat like 6969 times which make me furious (subtly, cushion, ominous, wainscoting, serene, etc)

-unnecessary transitions make me dizzy and have to take headache medicine just for playing game

-the long pause at the LIs crotch 💀

-the characters keep change their facial expression which make then look un-human, robot-like rather than make them feel alive.


For the writing, I didn't realize it until my friend point out that it sound exactly like QT (machine translation tool to reading Chinese media such as novel). I only read writing by those who got QT-influenced in my mother language, not much in English, so I didn't realize it at first. But once it got point out, everything clicked.

For example: Hello your highness, goodbye your highness - or - I'm serene.

This really make me wonder if the writer are Chinese or an English speaker who heavy QT-influenced. Anyw, the point is it's didn't well match for ancient Western inspired game like this at all.

The characters feel un-intelligent, make it funny since they keep bragging about themself non-stop. And make it have like zero tension for a "murder(?) mystery" game. The narractor sound arrogant and look-down to the player - especially who self-insert (well, that how they sound like to me at least). The UI look like they fighting with the char/bg art, except the textbox.

And if there won't be any improvement / fixing the issue (at least the technical one) in the future, then I can't recommend this game. But you could always try the demo yourself to see if this is your cup of tea.

it's commercial game :)

Lemures Blue's 2AM and Triopticon?

Absolutely! Aarya could have better thought about human, but it just 15 years, it's nothing compare to millenia years of war! They could only hate human less at best! And with the news of such a betrayal, how could they take it so... well? Even Emrys first thought is revenge! But I can understand why Nidhoggr didn't dare to bring up about her child to Aarya. She's scared of their reaction and maybe her daughter and her husband safety if they learned about it, consider how much Aarya hate human back then, and Shawn is the result they get from killing Lucius whole clan. I think that's also why she tried to change Aarya's opinion about human first before let them know. That's more about how you know someone well enough to predict their reaction and want to handle it the best you could rather than trust issue to me.

I wonder why it always go back to the default text speed time to time, I'm getting tired from the fixing-the-text-speed things. Is it a bug...?

Haha, thank you for the worry. Lucky for me, ppl share the same interest around me is nice so nope. I won't tolerate when other forced their prefer LI onto me. I just really feel regretful that I can't love Emrys (and maybe a little guilty too), I just not into the old-friend-that-one-sided-love-you-since-forever. It's good that Emrys keep things chill and all, because would hate it and hate him if he forced his affection to Aarya.

Oh right, I think people already demand Nils and Neri enough that I didn't need to repeat it, so I voice my hope for Van and Illyria instead (especially Illyria!!!)


And, personally, I don't feel satisfied with the game solution, Maybe because the fact the Sval is the victim from the start but have to forced to negotiate peace instead. I agree about they should put a long hurtful history aside and try to make peace. BUT aren't they a little too naive, hopeful and goody-two-shoes for demons that lived for millennia? Like, they just learned about the betrayal but Aarya still be like I want to believe in power of peace or else we will get bad ending, and didn't have a damn back up plan either didn't sit right with me. The council didn't have good will either, since they obviously try to cover it up and even absolution for his sin once they learned Aarya didn't let the Sval know about this yet. It would be much more interesting if we get a choice where we can kill Harald silently and fake his death as if it was an accident, or we can cooperate with Shawn and make it a simply domestic revenge where the husband revenge for his wife, AND still negotiate peace without get bad end. Good thing Shawn is there to save this mess by spread the news. Sorry Aarya but Floki is right, you deserve his axe you know? Eventhough there are the Eskia former king to save the day, but I don't like it. This whole "just be good and heaven (someone else) will punishment the bad for you" so meh. In the end it still need SOMEONE to carry out the punishment, then why couldn't we do it ourself (and then life happily ever after) and instead wait and hopefully the heaven or someone will take care of it? (Not the characters, but the solution give me that feeling, there are way too many stories do that it frustrated me).

I love Darryl so much even though his route pained me. I can see why people love Emrys, his route is adorable, but as much as I debate myself to love him like I do with Darryl I just can't. I like him very much, but not as a romantic partner, so the choice to draw the line with him really make me relief... How wonderful, instead of easy lovey-dovey road I choose the hard one for myself ಥ_ಥ

*whisper* And shouldn't Finn stop collect the farm debt once he married Ban though? Hmph!

I kinda confused since Ban can handle alcohol well in Finn route, but he drunk with just a sip in Moocha route?

I have same problem. Baby 2 born scene not trigger at all. I think it was a bug.