You are entitled to think they way you choose, but as such, I am entitled and compelled to tell you why I disagree with your assessment and even take offense to it. Apologies if it's long, but I'm not going to sit back and let it slide.
It's ignorant. You do not have to like this story, that is a-ok with me, but don't make assumptions based on your own projections of what you think is happening. You are clearly searching for bias.
We are two chapters in (for a work-in-progress demo) and literally the only RO introduced yet is a man because I wasn't going to force every RO into 1 chapter. And, no, this was not written for female MCs exclusively. I take personal offense to such drivel as I am an a-gendered writer who uses she/her pronouns to simplify my personal life, but I identify as leaning more masculine. I play almost exclusively male MCs when I read IFs and I do not have any particular gender in mind while writing. Quite frankly, I believe that assigning genders to certain things like actions, clothing, or even speech is ridiculous - and it's on you as the reader if you do such things. People should just BE so that is how I write.
It might be you're projecting your assumptions onto what you're reading, we all tend to do that. Just because women are not directly showcased in the early life of the MC means literally nothing, but you are assuming that it means something. There are supportive male characters up front NOT because of what you assume is for a female MC (which, also, I do not get why this equates to 'written for female MC'), but because I want there to be male characters in a story (like 2 dads and a soft-hearted bestie) that allow for men to just be what they want without fitting a particular niche in literature (like a big strong bear of a man that cries openly or another man who hunts and fishes but also cares if his throw pillows match his curtains). I've said this before, the MC "shy about their chest" applies to men too! Good grief, I know more men who are shy about their chests than the women I've met. I wasn't going to write that and assume "just because man, means they are just not shy about anything north of the border." I'm also writing for 3 gender selections and it is better to just error on caution and not have to ham-fist programming in for something so benign.
If you read the list of warnings, it specifically says that this is not written with touch-aversion in mind. If your MC does not like the hug, then consider that Oswin simply reacted, you know, like humans tend to do - without thinking. I am not out to write these characters as inhumanly as possible and make everything perfect - it is not possible to account for every single thing that people will not like - hence the warning that there are limited instances where the MC can choose for or against a touch. If you feel "forced to think about him all the time" consider that maybe you are doing that to yourself? He's the only one introduced so far and is literally the path to the other parts of the story, so yeah, your MC is "forced to go with him." He plays a huge role in getting the MC from A to B. And again, 2 chapters.