Hey! Finally got around to play this for myself and I have got to say it is very impressive for how tiny it is! I really like the game design around looping the player through the rooms around the circle.
I think my biggest complaints are twofold: the inability to step back (ha da death or two due to that) and having to start over when dying. I know due to the limitations o how it was made that perhaps checkpoints may have been hard to implement though.
I am curious, is there a pattern to the crabs' movement, or do they just pick directions back/forward on the circle randomly? It is sometimes annoying that you get trapped between two, duck into a room, and then have to wait for them to make up their mind about which way they're going to leave. Doesn't happen too often though, so I'll give it a pass haha.
Anyway, other than those minor things, this really was a very solid, bite-sized experience! Doesn't overstay its welcome and every moment of it is meaningful. Good job!