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Thanks for all this great feedback!

We are definitely starting to see a trend in recommendations and pain points here.
Also, you assume correctly that we were going to have abilities. Those got scrapped, and we forgot to disable some of the associated stuff.
You did find a new bug or pain point; the credits screen is supposed to appear 10 seconds after the boss HP hits 0, and that is meant to be the end. This, along with the level transitions and boss hitbox, are all just weird compromises we made for the sake of time, as I have mentioned in earlier comments. We had originally planned to put a starting and ending cutscene in the game, but we fell way short of that; our scope was blown up too far just getting all the systems in there and working together, even having planned it all out thoroughly in advance.

The tile issue and overcommitting to a plethora of systems instead of focusing on a handful and just making those and the overall experience more fun are both great improvements for us to focus on next time around. You are correct, since this was our first time making a crawler, we had no idea how to get the tile sizing and layout right, we just got the grid working and did the best we could with the assets to make them not feel weird. Do you think starting with a different FOV would have made this feel better?

Thanks again for taking the time to play, though; very much appreciated!


Well I'm happy to provide all the feedback I can! I had the experience last year of vastly overscoping on mechanics and ended up with only a tiny tutorial level with one enemy lol.

Some playing around with the FOV I don't think would hurt, and I would also recommend combining that with experimenting with the camera placement in the player tile. That's just advice for something to do in-between this jam and next year so you have time to try what feels best. For this specifically I think it's more the grid in the world itself that's the issue. Because it doesn't matter how comfortably the camera is setup if there's tiles where the walls intrude too far on the player position.

But hey, this is all part of the learning experience! Good luck with your future dungeon crawler work!