I love the charm of this game and I also like the fact that it isn't necessarily a romantic relationship being counseled here but just one of myriad relationships in this world - all of them are hard to navigate, and it's not as easy as just clicking the nicest thing there is. I also enjoy the design choice of timing the dialogue - it brings a very real challenge where you have to respond in a timely manner or else it's not authentic - this is true in real life too. I don't actually know what happens if the timer runs out as it seems to just jump back, but I assume you get penalized which would make sense, and I also got the bug while trying to pursue the "help" route where I would just listen endlessly. (Too realistic lol.) It's also poetically funny that it's way easier to hurt by choosing something clearly hurtful and win instantly, but helping takes time and doesn't always make both parties happy. Then the player's choice would become meaningfully earned. This game could definitely develop into something very introspective for players if given time to grow. Nice work!