You are awesome to keep answering all my random questions. My problem with BtD is that it felt like pointless violence. Meet a guy, he abducts you (or you don’t have a choice but to take him home with you) then he tortures/rapes you to death. No way out. I don’t get how that’s fun or interesting - just mindless torture porn.
Broken colors didn’t feel that way at all from the demo and I’m really looking forward to playing more of it. BtD being inspiration was a bit worrying to me, since I only played it because of Broken Colors. The closest I got to feeling the same kind of frustrating was wanting to punch Rasmus in the face and tell him to fuck off (So, frustrated, but not nearly to the same level). I’m very glad to hear that Broken Colors will be more multidimensional that BtD.
Also, I know he’s supposed to be a stalker and bad news, but I totally want to give Damon a hug.