There was a lot of content in this one. I played for about 40 minutes before giving up. Quite a bit of that due to the world being quite vast, with not map, and no clear direction of where I wanted to go.
First I didn’t at all understand the combat. I though those icons at the bottom was what I was supposed to click and it got really annoying when they auto hid. Then when I finally got it, the ability to dance around the enemies (even though it is confusing to me with turn on AD rather than QE) made taking damage almost optional.
The leveling up stats was nice, but also I feel like I got a lot of points to level up all the time to the point that even if I didn’t dance around, my characters were quite overpowered. And I was leveling up stats I was guessing I didn’t need just to spend the points.
The warning about the sword and not overwriting made me not pick up the one I passed by for fear of it causing some bug, but later when I started picking up armor I kind of understood what you meant. I think I only lost a few potions (that I didn’t need).
The level layout with different height levels was nice, but I think the area got a bit too large and confusing without any assistance in finding the way. And since the enemies at that point was no challenge it got a bit boring.
The skill leveling up was also neat. There were a whole lot of systems in the game! But also a bit confusing. Sometimes I leveled up a thing and everything turned blue. I don’t know why that was.
I also would have liked some clearer indication of when someone was ready to attack or not.