It's a shame the game is unfinished, I didn't finish my entry last year so I know how it feels. So my feedback here should be taken mostly as constructive criticism for what you should do if either you plan on finishing this game, or create an entry in next years jam.
The opening cutscene was mostly well done with nice art fitting sounds, though the text disappeared way too quickly on some slides so I couldn't read it all. Also it looks like the UI doesn't fully cover the screen because I can see the default Unity skybox at the top and bottom of the screen.
The artstyle of the game is mostly nice, I think I recognize all the assets used. Though I would suggest finding a more realistic torch and shield model for the player to use. I found that specific combo of realistic character and sword and low poly shield and torch to be really noticeable and kinda distracting.
The movement distance for the player should definitely be increased. I noticed in one of your replies here that you just used 1x1x1 cubes and had the player move 1 unit each time. I would change this to be 2 or 3 or even 4 units. Because the small movement distance makes the travelling fairly tedious, and I found it kinda confusing if I was in range of an enemy. Especially the goblins because they're so small. For context I made my movement system similar to how you describe, the player just moves 2 meters (in Godot meters anyway) in any direction if there's nothing detected blocking movement. But I basically just made the level out of 2x2x2 blocks, and the player just moves 2 units each time to reach the center of neighbouring blocks.
I would also suggest allowing continuous movement, and have the move happen when the player presses the key down, rather than when the key is released. It can be hard on the fingers having to tap so much.
The combat also felt unresponsive, there's a half-second delay between pressing spacebar and the attack animation starting. And I was unable to tell if I was doing any damage to the enemies. So I would suggest making the player attack animation much faster with a little *woosh* sound effect when swinging to give it some more juice.
I notice in the screenshots on the games page there are items in the hotkey bar, but I never found any items to pick up, maybe I missed them?
As for the positives, I like that theres an opening cutscene, and the the cutscene in the cave was very nice! I loved how it lead into the gameplay with the enemy positioning, I haven't seen that in another entry so far. The cutscene with the priestess was nice, though it also suffered from having the text disappear too quickly, and I think the black text on white background was too jarring with the dark cave environment.
The movement speed I think is good, just have to adjust the tile spacing and controls.
The environment was fittingly dark and atmospheric, and I like having the torch.
Sorry you couldn't finish this game, but I hope you take all the feedback from this game and try again next year!