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I just realized I forgot some stuff I wanted to say, so I'll put it here so I don't have to make the long message even longer. 

I dislike the fact that falling off an island immedialty counts as a game over, sending you back to town. This is made up for by the fact that you don't lose anything on death which I am grateful for and it makes actually dying just a minor incoveniece. The fact that getting slung of the island make you get tp'ed back to town is made pretty annoying by the fact that when standing near a portal when it opens you get flung away in ragdoll which could result in you getting thrown off the island if you're near the edge. I don't know whether it's a bug or not, but I hope this is changed, while in town this isn't a big deal as you're just tp'ed back to town but when you're attempting to farm EXP by blitzing island this can be quite annoying.

Speaking about EXP, farming EXP can be quite annoying, mainly because only skeletons give EXP upon being slain. NPC only give EXP after sex acts, I don't know whether this is intentional but having to do 10 sex scenes in order to farm EXP can take a little bit, mainly because of the bugs mentioned in my message above.

Another things I've noticed is that if you slay the town NPCs they just come back. I'm just mentioning this because some of them, Quinn in particular, have some high value stuff that you could steal off of them for some quick money early game.