Very polished and self consistent. The graphics were all hand drawn but they worked very well when put together. The lighting was good, you even had ambient occlusion in there. The small animations of the bubbles, worms, etc. in the scenery was a really nice touch that added to the atmosphere.
The narrative was very good and kept you on task. From the start animation, to the text prompts/messages, you always knew why you were there and what you were trying to do. Simple but effective.
Radio Beacon was an excellent idea to give you rough directions, but not a complete map so you sometimes hit dead ends and had to backtrack.
There weren't many puzzles in the game. There wasn't much to pick up, therefore no inventory, other than the health stims. We think we picked up weapons but we weren't sure. The only difference seemed to be we did more damage in combat, but we don't know why.
Combat was well done, although we often found just repeating the Defend action seemed to give the best outcome until the end of the combat where you might deal the final blow with the attack icon, since the enemy didn't get a counter attack and you did more damage. Better than Rock-Paper-Scissors, but not by very much. The idea of trying to escape was good, although the monster just disappeared and you stayed in the same place. You avoided the traditional two-step by not allowing enemy or player movement during combat.
The random spawning of the enemies was a bit annoying in the end and it dissuaded you from exploring since a visiting the same spot could respawn a new enemy again. You couldn't clear an area and then look around for stuff!
It's a shame there was no free look because you had high ceilings that looked interesting but you couldn't look up to appreciate them.
There was no jeopardy when walking next to a drop off the side since you couldn't walk off the edge to your death. Perhaps not necessary but it could have added something. to the gameplay.
The ending was very well done, with nice cut scenes travelling back up through the levels to get to the ship.
Overall that was a fun experience and a great game jam game. We really enjoyed it. Well done!