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(1 edit)

Thanks for your response, and I appreciate your suggestion. As I said, I don't rally know what I'm doing (I'm more of a wannabe than anything), so still trying to parse what you said and how to apply it. I Will do some research and report back and in general, I am happy to provide any information/details and test solutions on Mac. Thanks again. 

Update: the issue is definitely the changes in the Godot engine. The vanilla 1.0d displays relatives panel just fine. Even in the modded version, it also seems that from the save data that it is recording the relatives info, interactions/sex do recognize relations but it's not processing it for the relatives panel.  Going through the scripts you mentioned and trying to understand their mechanics and functionality leads me to think that there are a lot more features that are available in Aric's expansion that are not functioning properly or at all, and I am just not aware because my default is the vanilla version.  

One last thing, if I sound like i know what I am doing, I don't. I've just enjoyed playing the vanilla version enough that the expansion seemed like a no brainer, and that led me down the road of how to get mods working on a Mac. Thanks to your answer here I was able to do it, but I am a little (a lot) out of depth here. I guess that's the long way of me saying is that i am not necessarily hung up on fixing this particular issue, I just want to find a way to enjoy the game, with the expansion. So I am open to any suggestions, aside from getting it to work in a PC environment. Thanks again.

The fix shouldn't require much understanding, just change the text from one layout to the other. For instance in there is:


Effectively "halfsiblings" is" array1" and "entry.halfsiblings" is "array2". which can be moved to the other layout:

halfsiblings += entry.halfsiblings

The existing line can be replaced with this line and it should work.

As a quick reminder, the mod system makes text changes to the game when mods are applied, so if you change the text of the mod files you will probably need to re-apply the mod for those changes to have any effect.

Brilliant. It was exactly that line of code with the halfsiblings that was breaking it, since that relation was not present in the vanilla version and I guess it didn't know what to do with the data. Anyways, fixed just in time to realize that  Aric's v1.9  is out :D Offer still stands if you'd like me to test things on a mac. Thanks again.

You can most easily help with bug reporting by joining the Discord (linked in Aric's first post).
