Thank you again for the detailed feedback and good suggestions 🙂
I'll reply in more details later (or will just fix bugs/implement the changes) but will already reply to a few points
- Deleting a library already kind of works. It is just that you need to save after having done the delete of the library. There is a bug, the save icon doesn't show when just deleting a library, so make an other change and save and it should work.
- "The search menu for a sound within an instruction displays search results, but the titles of these search results are not visible." To be sure, do you mean it show empty rows ? I just made a test, It seems to be the case with long title where there are no space between words. I'll fix that.
- There is already a button to load all the sounds of the current page of a category. Do you mean a button to load all the sounds of all the categories of the current library ? If so, that seems risky to load to much in memory causing perf problems, but I guess it makes sense for some use case where you know you'll need all or most of the sounds of the library