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(1 edit) (+1)

Hello,I‘ve got this fault when I catching up an event in swimming pool just after the meet up with the "best friend"

I hope this could help!

Error: <<if>>: bad conditional expression in <<if>> clause: TypeError: State.variables.pc.passively_exhibitionist is not a function 1

<<if $pc.passively_exhibitionist()>>         <<passivelyseen _p>>     <<else>>         <<lust _p 5 10>> <<sexattention 20>><<dalterneed Attention 20>> <<if !$pc.has_any_inclination("basic_exhibitionist")>><<dalterneed Humiliation 20 true>><</if>>     <</if>>TypeError: State.variables.pc.passively_exhibitionist is not a function
    at eval (eval at <anonymous> (<a href=",">,</a> <anonymous>:1:20)
    at <a href="
</a>    at evalJavaScript (<a href="
</a>    at MacroContext.handler (<a href="
</a>    at Object.handler (<a href="
</a>    at Wikifier.subWikify (<a href="
</a>    at Wikifier (<a href="
</a>    at MacroContext.handler (<a href="
</a>    at Object.handler (<a href="
</a>    at Wikifier.subWikify (<a href="
Willing to help if possible.
Thanks!This is a nice game!

Thanks, it'll be fixed!