I enjoyed the story and I think the gameplay concepts are pretty cool. Unfortunately it just didnt engage me enough to finish the game.
I think the gameplay needs a lot more polish to make it enjoyable. Currently there are just a few issues that are making combat not as fun as it could be.
- Shooting in tight corridors or around corners is frustrating, since your bullet is so large and it despawns if it touches the wall.
- Controls for using abilities feels confusing. I dont think the problem isnt necessarily with which buttons you chose, but more with the fact that there are so many different ones for each ability that I just cant remember them quickly. I think just adding which key needs to be pressed for each ability in the UI would help a lot, just to have a quick reference while playing. I found myself scrolling down to read the controls quite a few times just to figure out how to use an ability.
- Movement feels a bit slidey, I think this could use some focus in the future. Some movement based abilities could also be fun, currently trying to dodge enemy bullets just feels futile in a lot of cases.