- How do the camera controls and unit movement feel?
The camera controls and unit movement feel good. It was a little hard to see which units I was highlighting though as the highlight is a little too transparent.
- Did the enemies feel hard after several waves, or were they too easy?
The enemies did feel harder after several waves, but I think that it was a good difficulty as it was a good challenge. Sometimes it felt like the player units were not recognizing some of the enemies that were near them.
- Did it feel entertaining or attention-grabbing?
It was entertaining. I have not played many rts games before, but it was engaging even though it was not as intuitive for me.
- How long did you play or survive? Did you build any units?
I played for about 15 minutes, and I survived the whole time. I was able build 2 units.
- Did you notice any extreme or notable bugs?
I did not notice any extreme or notable bugs.
- Any other feedback is welcome!
I think that this is pretty good so far. I think it would be helpful if the enemy and player units’ health bars were different colors because sometimes it was hard to tell them apart.