Oh just another quick feedback I wanted to tell you all, while running on one of my computers i had a ton of antivirus stuff pop up for some reason and my screen freeze every now and then ,
First, I really liked the end screen you added that displays the final stats especially .
Did the resource-gathering system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
I thought it was pretty intuitive, perhaps not the most enjoyable because it got slightly tedious for me , but I was thinking one thing that might make it a bit more interesting for me at least would be to add more stats / numbers appearing on the screen as recourses are gathered.
Did the dynamic wave system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
I thought the dynamic wave system was pretty interesting but i also agree with other people in the comments here that it is a little bit slow and slightly confusing, I think i might prefer a slightly faster pace , but perhaps that is just my preference.
Great job so far, i think this game is awesome so far!!
As far as bugs / suggestions, I would agree with one of the comments here that suggested a menu options to adjust volume, perhaps you could have other things to adjust that the user can control as well on here. However, the choice of music and sfx were really awesome especially the forrest / nature sfx
Did the resource-gathering system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
I think at first, I struggled to figure out the resource gathering system. In my first play, I would send the goblins to collect wood, and despite doing so the game would not count it as such. After I started another playthrough, the resource gathering system began to work, and I was able to pick up the controls. It did feel fun and the controls were easy to pick up quickly.
Did the dynamic wave system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
The waves were intuitive, however I found them to be a little awkward. It took a while for the elves to appear, and when the orcs and elves would fight, it was difficult to differentiate the three groups (Goblins, orcs, elves.)
Was the combat smooth and engaging?
The combat felt very laid back, as there is not much the player needs to do, as the orcs and elves seem to automatically fight.
How long did you play? What was your final point score?
I probably played for about 30 minutes and my final score was 3,550 for the second play of the game.
Did it feel challenging? Was it too hard?
It got a little more challenging as the elves were introduced, but it did not get to the point where I felt it was too far.
What do you think about the music, sounds, and visual effects?
I found the effects to work really well, I especially liked the sound effects in the start menu.
Do you have any suggestions on the overall game feel and play?
I do not have any suggestions currently.
Did you run into any notable bugs or issues?
On my second playthrough, the game crashed as my orcs and goblins were attacked by elves.
Did the resource-gathering system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
intuitive, maybe not enjoyable. Would be nice if they just moved on to the next ree without me having to tell them to.
Did the dynamic wave system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
idk what a dynamic wave system is tbh
Was the combat smooth and engaging?
I couldn't really find where the combat was? maybe I missed it? I did see some meat on the ground but I couldn't figure out how to pick it up. I also saw some people running over from the distance but once they got to the camp they just stood there vibing, and I couldn't really attack them either. I think I'm just misunderstanding something here.
How long did you play? What was your final point score?
like 10-15 minutes, 675 points but I was mostly exploring and not really trying to accumulate points.
Did it feel challenging? Was it too hard?
nah it was chill
What do you think about the music, sounds, and visual effects?
pretty nice I liked it
Do you have any suggestions on the overall game feel and play?
There should be a way to select all of your group at once, I think I ended up losing all of my group to the woods eventually I just didn't know where they all went. Maybe they died rip :(
Did you run into any notable bugs or issues?
The game took forever to download :( but I'm not sure if there's anything you can do about that. In the options menu, windowed fullscreen and fullscreen both resulted in just a fullscreen game. I would select a group of people to get a tree and sometimes only part of them went. The camera should be able to zoom out more, sometimes I would get lost in the map and have a hard time finding my way back. Also, sometimes hitting resume would move the camera to some seemingly random place in the forest.
Did the resource-gathering system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
The wood gathering felt intuitive, I never found out how to gather meat though. Maybe some sort of indicator near or on what can be gathered would be helpful? I was kind of lost.
Did the dynamic wave system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
I felt like the first wave took too much time to show up. I wasn't sure what I was working towards chopping all this wood and my soldiers were just standing around (probably could've gathered meat but idk how). If the first wave came faster and the pacing was sped up a bit I think the game would benefit.
Was the combat smooth and engaging?
For the wave I played it felt smooth. If my units had a green health bar and the enemy units had a red health bar I would've been nice. All the units are so small so it makes it challenging to know what is even attacking me so that color differentiation would be helpful.
How long did you play? What was your final point score?
I'm not sure how long I played but my score was around 1400
Did it feel challenging? Was it too hard?
I felt challenge in trying to know what to do, the first wave seemed fine as a first wave I would've liked it to come faster. Wood gathering seems a bit slow as far as pacing, it wasn't very fun wondering where all my goblins ran off to after sending them to 1 tree. I wasn't even sure if they were still gathering!
What do you think about the music, sounds, and visual effects?
The sounds, music, and effects were great! Adding options to adjust volume would be nice.
Do you have any suggestions on the overall game feel and play?
Speed up pacing and maybe a mini tutorial to know what I can click on to get.
Did you run into any notable bugs or issues?
Its not intuitive for the left arrow to increase graphics quality and the right arrow to decrease in the settings menu, those should probably be swapped.
When playing in windowed mode, if you pause the game and move your mouse out of the window in any direction your camera will continue to move. Unpausing the game you will see that you're in a different spot than where you paused it.
Any other feedback is welcome!
I didn't know the make shift tower was apart of my camps health, when I saw an enemy attacking it I thought it was trying to fight a rock.
Did the resource-gathering system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
The wood harvesting system was good up until a certain point where 2 of my goblins took forever to chop a tree that never broke/ got harvested. Another goblin was able to harvest meat and wood but when the goblin when back to deposit it the resource count did not go up.
Did the dynamic wave system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
For me, I found it enjoyable it gives you a chance to prepare between each wave and I guess this is where the strategy part of the game would come in where you have to decide what do to between waves.
Was the combat smooth and engaging?
The combat was good and there were no problems with it.
How long did you play? What was your final point score?
I don't recall how long I played but my score was roughly 2500.
Did it feel challenging? Was it too hard?
I didnt get to far into the game but from where I was currently at it did not feel to challenging and was not hard. It felt just right the waves came in when I reached a certain score which felt good and let me have time to prepare for the next attack.
What do you think about the music, sounds, and visual effects?
Excellent! I loved everything about it.
Do you have any suggestions on the overall game feel and play?
I know this is a little nit-picky but could you have the ESC key also unpause too?
could you implement some kind of keybind to lock the sceen? so like pressing L would lock the sceen so it would not move the camera around.
Is there anyway to add some kind of tooltip before you build a building letting you know how much it costs and what type of building it is.
Adding some kind of tutorial would be nice, so new players can understand how to play the game.
I don't know if this is in the scope of the game, but could there be some kind of indicator like the hunter call from phase 1 that lets you know where the enemies are coming from?
Did you run into any notable bugs or issues?
After a certain amount of time the resources that the goblins were harvesting were not being add to my resources count. For example, I had 425 would and a goblin would harvest a tree and go back to deposit and the number stayed at 425.
Thank you so much for the feedback! We just made a new build that addresses the fact that the first playtest 2 build was WAY too hard and was missing tooltips. If you want, you can try the new build. But either way, thank you for the awesome feedback!
How do the camera controls and unit movement feel?
The camera and camera angle feels smooth along with being able to select units and control them, the base being isolated with units being around it makes it easy to not get lost within the game.
Did the enemies feel hard after several waves, or were they too easy?
There were moments were I was not able to get past the first wave since they did not spawn, along with not being able to spend my resources on anything, my tower was also invincible.
Did it feel entertaining or attention-grabbing?
The game has very good appeal to play, making it very attention grabbing, as a matter of fact, this was one of the games I was most excited to playtest along with how impressive it looks so far.
How long did you play or survive? Did you build any units?
About 20 minutes, my objective was to clear as many trees and gather as many resources as I could.
Also another slight thing i noticed and forgot to mention. I really liked the default nature sounding audio you added but i think if you could somehow improve the leveling and perhaps stereo mapping aspects of the sfx audio that would be really cool! Anyway, keep up the great work!
I really really like the direction this one is going! I also had some issues with seeing the highlight system, but I thought the camera functioned well. I did see some slight bugs here and there with the goblins and I also had a similar quitting issue but I think all these things can be fixed easily. Great work so far!!
I don't play a lot of these top down types of games. Because frankly I can't stand the micro managing required to make efficient plays. But I cannot for the life of me get my troops to attack the goblins shooting the building or themselves. They just huddle around the last two goblins and just do nothing as they shoot down the building causing the game to close. I don't understand what I can do differently to circumvent this. I don't think I can do anything. It's completely random when they decide to engage.
When you build the makeshift towers, since they have no model, the goblins get stuck. the buildings take no damage and the goblins stand there till the end of time attacking them. Also the cost to create new units and the time it takes to create them I don't really agree with. 600 meat for one unit? That's two full waves. That's not sustainable. it should be less.
It should also tell you the price of the unit. It should tell you how long it takes before you order one. I've been trying to get into this type of game because there are a lot of open world survival craft games in this style, but frankly this is missing the mark. It's inconsistent when my troops engage the enemy. Sometimes they'll immediately start charging into the forest to attack them as they spawn in, other time they just stand still and get wailed upon and die.
There's also like a hive mind type system which makes no sense. You have three distinct groups spawn, but if I engage one set of goblins the other two groups drop what they're doing and run to the nearest of my troop.
Logically those goblins wouldn't've had a clue what my guy was doing and should've stayed shooting the makeshift towers but they didn't.
The best I could do was make 3 units and die while a fourth was in progress. That's what? 8 waves? It got annoying. I had to like use one guy at a time as a meat shield and spam click troops one at a time to minimize the chance of them developing paralysis.
The camera and rotation stuff works like a charm. Using the mouse to do so bugs out however. And If I pause the game, switch tabs, switch back, and press continue, it moves the camera to what I assume is the origin point which is not where the camp is located. I played for like give or take 20 minutes.
If you want to have fixed building locations you have to adopt a tycoon style progression system. Or at least something other than 25 meat per kill and 24 required kills to make a new unit. This is horrible.
Also quitting the game says the game crashed rather than closing the game and it made my screen go black and had command prompts pop up a couple times.
How do the camera controls and unit movement feel?
The camera controls and unit movement feel good. It was a little hard to see which units I was highlighting though as the highlight is a little too transparent.
Did the enemies feel hard after several waves, or were they too easy?
The enemies did feel harder after several waves, but I think that it was a good difficulty as it was a good challenge. Sometimes it felt like the player units were not recognizing some of the enemies that were near them.
Did it feel entertaining or attention-grabbing?
It was entertaining. I have not played many rts games before, but it was engaging even though it was not as intuitive for me.
How long did you play or survive? Did you build any units?
I played for about 15 minutes, and I survived the whole time. I was able build 2 units.
Did you notice any extreme or notable bugs?
I did not notice any extreme or notable bugs.
Any other feedback is welcome!
I think that this is pretty good so far. I think it would be helpful if the enemy and player units’ health bars were different colors because sometimes it was hard to tell them apart.
How do the camera controls and unit movement feel?
The camera controls feel great I feel as though the camera pans across the area just pretty much just the right speed I would expect out of an RTS.
Did the enemies feel hard after several waves, or were they too easy?
The player's units and the enemy units felt fairly on par with each other with the player's units being a bit stronger so that they could stand the oncoming waves which is perfect for the game mode in the play test. I was able to defeat a couple waves and although the first one seemed easy it was also easy to see that my units were running out of health going into the other waves and quickly ran out of steam without replenishments.
Did it feel entertaining or attention-grabbing?
The combat is definitely fun to watch though it does seem the animations are not quite in sync with the moment damage is dealt from the player's units to the enemy's.
How long did you play or survive? Did you build any units?
I managed to survive a couple of waves before my primary group of units ran out of health and did manage to build two or three new units.
Did you notice any extreme or notable bugs?
Occasionally enemy units would not be targeted by my units even when completely surrounded. After moving my units away and baiting them into a new position it would fix itself and my units would attack but I found that to be of note.
Any other feedback is welcome!
You guys really surprised me by going for an RTS in the scope of this class and I'm really glad to see that you are making this much progress on it! Other than that I would like to ask for you to make the movement indicator after a move command a bit larger as right now I think it is barely noticable.
How do the camera controls and unit movement feel?
Unit movement feel good and the level size to unit speed ratio feels spot on. For the camera controls I kept trying to mouse over the edge of the screen as that is pretty standard in rts games but it feels inconsistent (when I swappped to 1920x1080 it went away) the wasd didn't feel too fast so I don't think that should be a primary concern
Did the enemies feel hard after several waves, or were they too easy?
Enemies felt pretty tough really quickly but I'm not sure if that is due to the scarcity of player units or an inconsistent attack detection. That being said I think if I played a good amount more I would be more comfy with the unit movement so I could have more time to check health bars. Limiting the player to 6 active units makes it tougher on the player.
Did it feel entertaining or attention-grabbing?
It does the weirdness of the sparse graphics and the dense trees really works in your favor and I think once clearing the trees is slowed down by having workers do the clearing the game will be more tense overall.
How long did you play or survive? Did you build any units?
I was able to survive for about 15 min until I realized I wasn't selecting half of my units and they were just getting picked off. I was able to build two new units.
Did you notice any extreme or notable bugs?
Any other feedback is welcome!
I think you guys bit off a really ambitious project but is looking good so far. I think the one thing it needs is an A-Move function or better enemy recognition so player units don't just let enemeis run by.
I couldn't get it run smoothly, that's because of my pc, but everything was super clean, just like AOE
Oh just another quick feedback I wanted to tell you all, while running on one of my computers i had a ton of antivirus stuff pop up for some reason and my screen freeze every now and then ,
First, I really liked the end screen you added that displays the final stats especially .
I thought it was pretty intuitive, perhaps not the most enjoyable because it got slightly tedious for me , but I was thinking one thing that might make it a bit more interesting for me at least would be to add more stats / numbers appearing on the screen as recourses are gathered.
I thought the dynamic wave system was pretty interesting but i also agree with other people in the comments here that it is a little bit slow and slightly confusing, I think i might prefer a slightly faster pace , but perhaps that is just my preference.
Great job so far, i think this game is awesome so far!!
As far as bugs / suggestions, I would agree with one of the comments here that suggested a menu options to adjust volume, perhaps you could have other things to adjust that the user can control as well on here. However, the choice of music and sfx were really awesome especially the forrest / nature sfx
Hello Chop and Slaughter Team!
Did the resource-gathering system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
I think at first, I struggled to figure out the resource gathering system. In my first play, I would send the goblins to collect wood, and despite doing so the game would not count it as such. After I started another playthrough, the resource gathering system began to work, and I was able to pick up the controls. It did feel fun and the controls were easy to pick up quickly.
Did the dynamic wave system feel intuitive and enjoyable?
The waves were intuitive, however I found them to be a little awkward. It took a while for the elves to appear, and when the orcs and elves would fight, it was difficult to differentiate the three groups (Goblins, orcs, elves.)
Was the combat smooth and engaging?
The combat felt very laid back, as there is not much the player needs to do, as the orcs and elves seem to automatically fight.
How long did you play? What was your final point score?
I probably played for about 30 minutes and my final score was 3,550 for the second play of the game.
Did it feel challenging? Was it too hard?
It got a little more challenging as the elves were introduced, but it did not get to the point where I felt it was too far.
What do you think about the music, sounds, and visual effects?
I found the effects to work really well, I especially liked the sound effects in the start menu.
Do you have any suggestions on the overall game feel and play?
I do not have any suggestions currently.
Did you run into any notable bugs or issues?
On my second playthrough, the game crashed as my orcs and goblins were attacked by elves.
I wasn't able to play this game on my mac (just leaving this comment for the instructor).
intuitive, maybe not enjoyable. Would be nice if they just moved on to the next ree without me having to tell them to.
idk what a dynamic wave system is tbh
I couldn't really find where the combat was? maybe I missed it? I did see some meat on the ground but I couldn't figure out how to pick it up. I also saw some people running over from the distance but once they got to the camp they just stood there vibing, and I couldn't really attack them either. I think I'm just misunderstanding something here.
like 10-15 minutes, 675 points but I was mostly exploring and not really trying to accumulate points.
nah it was chill
pretty nice I liked it
There should be a way to select all of your group at once, I think I ended up losing all of my group to the woods eventually I just didn't know where they all went. Maybe they died rip :(
The game took forever to download :( but I'm not sure if there's anything you can do about that.
In the options menu, windowed fullscreen and fullscreen both resulted in just a fullscreen game.
I would select a group of people to get a tree and sometimes only part of them went.
The camera should be able to zoom out more, sometimes I would get lost in the map and have a hard time finding my way back. Also, sometimes hitting resume would move the camera to some seemingly random place in the forest.
Hey, just a heads up, attack waves won't trigger till you hit a point amount of 750 minimum. :)
The wood harvesting system was good up until a certain point where 2 of my goblins took forever to chop a tree that never broke/ got harvested. Another goblin was able to harvest meat and wood but when the goblin when back to deposit it the resource count did not go up.
For me, I found it enjoyable it gives you a chance to prepare between each wave and I guess this is where the strategy part of the game would come in where you have to decide what do to between waves.
The combat was good and there were no problems with it.
I don't recall how long I played but my score was roughly 2500.
I didnt get to far into the game but from where I was currently at it did not feel to challenging and was not hard. It felt just right the waves came in when I reached a certain score which felt good and let me have time to prepare for the next attack.
Excellent! I loved everything about it.
I know this is a little nit-picky but could you have the ESC key also unpause too?
could you implement some kind of keybind to lock the sceen? so like pressing L would lock the sceen so it would not move the camera around.
Is there anyway to add some kind of tooltip before you build a building letting you know how much it costs and what type of building it is.
Adding some kind of tutorial would be nice, so new players can understand how to play the game.
I don't know if this is in the scope of the game, but could there be some kind of indicator like the hunter call from phase 1 that lets you know where the enemies are coming from?
After a certain amount of time the resources that the goblins were harvesting were not being add to my resources count. For example, I had 425 would and a goblin would harvest a tree and go back to deposit and the number stayed at 425.
Thank you so much for the feedback! We just made a new build that addresses the fact that the first playtest 2 build was WAY too hard and was missing tooltips. If you want, you can try the new build. But either way, thank you for the awesome feedback!
The camera and camera angle feels smooth along with being able to select units and control them, the base being isolated with units being around it makes it easy to not get lost within the game.
There were moments were I was not able to get past the first wave since they did not spawn, along with not being able to spend my resources on anything, my tower was also invincible.
The game has very good appeal to play, making it very attention grabbing, as a matter of fact, this was one of the games I was most excited to playtest along with how impressive it looks so far.
About 20 minutes, my objective was to clear as many trees and gather as many resources as I could.
Not being able to spend my resources.
Also another slight thing i noticed and forgot to mention. I really liked the default nature sounding audio you added but i think if you could somehow improve the leveling and perhaps stereo mapping aspects of the sfx audio that would be really cool! Anyway, keep up the great work!
I really really like the direction this one is going! I also had some issues with seeing the highlight system, but I thought the camera functioned well. I did see some slight bugs here and there with the goblins and I also had a similar quitting issue but I think all these things can be fixed easily. Great work so far!!
I don't play a lot of these top down types of games. Because frankly I can't stand the micro managing required to make efficient plays. But I cannot for the life of me get my troops to attack the goblins shooting the building or themselves. They just huddle around the last two goblins and just do nothing as they shoot down the building causing the game to close. I don't understand what I can do differently to circumvent this. I don't think I can do anything. It's completely random when they decide to engage.
When you build the makeshift towers, since they have no model, the goblins get stuck. the buildings take no damage and the goblins stand there till the end of time attacking them. Also the cost to create new units and the time it takes to create them I don't really agree with. 600 meat for one unit? That's two full waves. That's not sustainable. it should be less.
It should also tell you the price of the unit. It should tell you how long it takes before you order one.
I've been trying to get into this type of game because there are a lot of open world survival craft games in this style, but frankly this is missing the mark. It's inconsistent when my troops engage the enemy. Sometimes they'll immediately start charging into the forest to attack them as they spawn in, other time they just stand still and get wailed upon and die.
There's also like a hive mind type system which makes no sense. You have three distinct groups spawn, but if I engage one set of goblins the other two groups drop what they're doing and run to the nearest of my troop.
Logically those goblins wouldn't've had a clue what my guy was doing and should've stayed shooting the makeshift towers but they didn't.
The best I could do was make 3 units and die while a fourth was in progress. That's what? 8 waves? It got annoying. I had to like use one guy at a time as a meat shield and spam click troops one at a time to minimize the chance of them developing paralysis.
The camera and rotation stuff works like a charm. Using the mouse to do so bugs out however. And If I pause the game, switch tabs, switch back, and press continue, it moves the camera to what I assume is the origin point which is not where the camp is located. I played for like give or take 20 minutes.
If you want to have fixed building locations you have to adopt a tycoon style progression system. Or at least something other than 25 meat per kill and 24 required kills to make a new unit. This is horrible.
Also quitting the game says the game crashed rather than closing the game and it made my screen go black and had command prompts pop up a couple times.
The camera controls and unit movement feel good. It was a little hard to see which units I was highlighting though as the highlight is a little too transparent.
The enemies did feel harder after several waves, but I think that it was a good difficulty as it was a good challenge. Sometimes it felt like the player units were not recognizing some of the enemies that were near them.
It was entertaining. I have not played many rts games before, but it was engaging even though it was not as intuitive for me.
I played for about 15 minutes, and I survived the whole time. I was able build 2 units.
I did not notice any extreme or notable bugs.
I think that this is pretty good so far. I think it would be helpful if the enemy and player units’ health bars were different colors because sometimes it was hard to tell them apart.
How do the camera controls and unit movement feel?
The camera controls feel great I feel as though the camera pans across the area just pretty much just the right speed I would expect out of an RTS.
Did the enemies feel hard after several waves, or were they too easy?
The player's units and the enemy units felt fairly on par with each other with the player's units being a bit stronger so that they could stand the oncoming waves which is perfect for the game mode in the play test. I was able to defeat a couple waves and although the first one seemed easy it was also easy to see that my units were running out of health going into the other waves and quickly ran out of steam without replenishments.
Did it feel entertaining or attention-grabbing?
The combat is definitely fun to watch though it does seem the animations are not quite in sync with the moment damage is dealt from the player's units to the enemy's.
How long did you play or survive? Did you build any units?
I managed to survive a couple of waves before my primary group of units ran out of health and did manage to build two or three new units.
Did you notice any extreme or notable bugs?
Occasionally enemy units would not be targeted by my units even when completely surrounded. After moving my units away and baiting them into a new position it would fix itself and my units would attack but I found that to be of note.
Any other feedback is welcome!
You guys really surprised me by going for an RTS in the scope of this class and I'm really glad to see that you are making this much progress on it! Other than that I would like to ask for you to make the movement indicator after a move command a bit larger as right now I think it is barely noticable.
Unit movement feel good and the level size to unit speed ratio feels spot on. For the camera controls I kept trying to mouse over the edge of the screen as that is pretty standard in rts games but it feels inconsistent (when I swappped to 1920x1080 it went away) the wasd didn't feel too fast so I don't think that should be a primary concern
Enemies felt pretty tough really quickly but I'm not sure if that is due to the scarcity of player units or an inconsistent attack detection. That being said I think if I played a good amount more I would be more comfy with the unit movement so I could have more time to check health bars. Limiting the player to 6 active units makes it tougher on the player.
It does the weirdness of the sparse graphics and the dense trees really works in your favor and I think once clearing the trees is slowed down by having workers do the clearing the game will be more tense overall.
I was able to survive for about 15 min until I realized I wasn't selecting half of my units and they were just getting picked off. I was able to build two new units.
I think you guys bit off a really ambitious project but is looking good so far. I think the one thing it needs is an A-Move function or better enemy recognition so player units don't just let enemeis run by.