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(1 edit) (+1)

I wonder why the fairy sticks to Rin when Rin touches her.

Slippery movement like a wet bar of soap. Since there's no game there's no gauging how good or bad it can be.
Jump button... No uses in this demo so idk.
The rest of the controls seem good.

Because of the chibi body proportions, the moves feel a tad too small for a Beat-M-Up. You could try stretching the attacking moves a bit or add attack effects to give some reach to the characters. Anything to make the moves more visible. Also the leg should look more visible too, it's really thin-looking right now.
Overall, from this build, I'd say that the gameplay implementation is a success.

While there's not much to see, the art style is funny and Rin's animations are nice. It's pretty good to see her fighting moves. Her moves being fully sprited is a welcome surprise to me.

This is for the people who don't get the reference: