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Although I couldn't quite understand the concept I enjoyed playing this little creation.

Maybe you could check out my game too;)

Well, sorry I wasn't able to polish the game.

Let me explain, your objective is to find the exit within a limited time.

In each room, you will find signs giving you instructions. Sometimes, you can tell if a sign is lying or telling the truth by comparing their statements. Some sign will try to make you go in circles, but if you keep track of the turns you have been making you will be able to see that. Some signs will warn you of non existent danger, like stand on the green button for 10 seconds to clear the poison (whether there is poison or not is more like a gamble, either you sacrifice the 10 seconds to make sure you are safe or you enter at your own risk).

I wanted to refine on the way players can detect the lies, but I couldn't make it in time unfortunately.

Anyways I will be checking your game.