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Interesant frate!

Considering it's your first game, you managed to implement quite a few stuff and functionality. I liked the background art, sometimes the color combinations (Gary's over-saturated eyes, the colorful menu) are not so easy for the eyes.

Now for some constructive criticism: always make a skip text button! It can get very annoying. Don't take this the wrong way, but I've seen many games making up for the lack of mechanics with looooong texts. Some people like visual novels, but most players want fun/second. And that fun should not be repetitive, it should be gradually increasing in challenge, variety and awesomeness! 

I recognized a lot of romanian word order in your sentences, and a few typos. Watch out for those, or quickly ask one of your fluent english friends to edit your texts.

The player's movement seems slow most of the time (I know it's matching the footsteps animation, good job, but you can speed up the animation inside the animator window). It should be slow in tight places, like that backstage, but out in the open, when the character is small on screen, the speed should be faster.

Sometimes the jump is unresponsive, and that's a major no no, trust me. I'm a patient fellow, and I was forced to quit the game where those balls came at you after 20+ tries, each failing because of the jump not working... Play-test, play-test, and then play-test some more! Give it to friends who know nothing about your game, they will notice these things very soon, and you could fix them before publishing the game.

Why isn't there a mouse in the menu? And why toggle between buttons with W?

All in all, respect for being honest, hardworking people! :) You certainly have vision, though you lack the experience and know-how. Watch ExtraCredits on YT, especially the older episodes (they have a lot), which are pretty useful stuff. I learned a lot from them, things I wouldn't have guessed so easily on my own, by trial & error. I discovered the concept of fun/second from them, and it's probably the no1 aspect which you should focus on before even designing the levels. Always give enough time for brainstorming! I work like Nikola Tesla used to (we're both INTJ personality): plan 70% of the mechanics in my head, and when they fit together properly, I start designing the art, levels, and audio. My 4th game jam (https://greenworks.itch.io/991), which I've won, had a 7 days time-frame, theme was "100", and I though a lot about it, wanted to make something original (always aim for that, because it's easy to interpret the obvious, and people notice it's mediocre, or a cliche, you don't want that to happen, because you'll regret not pushing yourself further...). The idea for that game came to me on the 4th day, and even then, I spent an entire night under the starry night, formulating the mechanics, and made the 3 minute game in ~30 hours. It was friggin short, but it was fun/second, and it scored overall #1, visual #1, audio #1, creativity #3, out of 71 entries.

Games are a beautiful form of art, and a wonderful medium through which we can transmit messages to people's hearts! If you want to make a living out of this, you can! And you'll have to friggin stand out of the millions of other games nowadays. Hope you guys keep making better and better games! Bafta!


First of all, thank you for the consistent and honest feedback. So, it's not really the first game we made (it's more like the 6we for me, but for my partner was the second), but it's: the first game I made with someone and that was awesome, the first game that we made for a game jam, the first game where we made ALL the stuff (I didn'd draw so much in my entire life) and maybe the first "story-based" game, even that it's not such a complex and good story in it. It  was a great experience!

Now, we know that, the jump button really sucks. It was our fault that we didn't tested it. We implemented the jump system like 4 hours before the dead line and the last scene was finished 10 minutes before the dead line and we didin't tested it at all. Even that we agreed to include it. We're sorry. We will solve it and publish a more playable version.

Yeah, you remember that it was the first time when we worked together, right? Well, this is the principal reason for the different art styles here and there. Adi likes the more vibrant, saturated colors, but for me the less saturated colors are more pleasant for the viewer. Also, the main menu navigation was the Adi's ideea (even that I wanted a mouse control as well), but I let him do what he wanted. You learn from mistakes. 

[RO] Multumim mult! Bafta si tie si poate impreuna dezvoltam industria asta si la noi.

Now that you've mentioned your previous games, I understand why this game is starting to feel like a proper one (your skills & efficiency improve with each new project). Making ALL the assets is an amazing opportunity to create something unique, and that should motivate you. Using existing assets for websites or graphic design was limiting me and I realized later, that's why I started making games.

Working in a team is sooo much better than solo dev! Your 5 stars will always be 5 stars, but both your 5 stars as a team actually deliver 15+ stars, as far as I've seen. Brainstorming before startig the project will help you formulate 70% of the content and mechanics, prioritizing them, so later, if you discover something more is needed, you'll still have time for it, because the priorities are already implemented. Plan & test! Don't just work with whatever comes up along the way and accept it as ok... 

[RO] Cu siguranta vom dezvolta niste jocuri bomba, fiindca noi avem viziune si perseverenta. Insa trebuie sa te upgradezi constant, in industria asta am vazut ca nu poti sta comod in aceleasi ape. Succes in continuare!


Honestly,one of the  best review  we've had on the submission page by far.Thanks for sharing some of you knowledge with us and hopefully in my third game i will have learned everything  to not make the same mistakes from this game again.

I am sorry for the english errors in the narrator's dialog but i put a lot of my attention into the functionality of the game,even though i didn't tested everything(sorry for that) and i let Marian write the dialogs and even though i saw the mistakes, were too many and we had like 5  more minutes until the submission window closed,but there is something to learn from and it's a good thing,I wanted to implement a dialog button but Marian already wrote the code for the subtitles and at the time i said to myself that it's a short game and nobody will get bored:)

Thank you again for taking the time and writing such an elaborate opinion,good luck in any future jams, hope you'll win another!

You're very welcome! I was glad to see my neighbours are active too hehe. These jams are held for us to learn from eachother! I know how the deadline can make you ignore pretty important stuff, I'm still learning to better organize too, and each time is easier and with more interesting results.

Even with "short" games like these, keep in mind, that some people won't have the patience to forcefully sit through static events. Make it dynamic! Or if you like slow paced stories, better make it a damn good one, which is very captivating!

[RO] Cu mare drag! Ma surprinde placut sa vad ambitia vecinilor. Spor!