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I tried your game, and this was really fun. And I have some feedback for you.

Things that I really liked about your game: 

  • The core idea of jumping from planet to planet really worked. I had a lot of fun with this. And to some extend, it reminded me a bit of the "Super mario galaxy" which I had a lot of fun playing with my kids when they were smaller. 
  • The gravity around the planets was fun and engaging, and I was looking for ways to use that to have some fun. 
  • I dont know why, but it somehow reminded me of playing Star Control II when I was younger.

Things that I think could improve the game

  • I was missing a bit of flow - the linear approach to "there is only one planet I can jump to" felt restrictive, and I would have prefered if I could have had a bigger map zoomed out a bit more, and had to find my own way instead of following a specific path. 
  • The gravity fields were extremely fun, and I would think that if you made them a bit bigger, they could be used a bit more effectively. 
  • I missed a bit that if you missed your target, then you would just fly into space. A small jetpack or something that could give you temporary control while between planets would be nice. 
  • The planet controls were a bit odd.. there is only left or right that the bird can walk, so why not leave it to left and right arrows?

I really enjoyed the game, and I believe that it have great potential for something bigger. 

If you could spare a few minutes reviwing my Demo, I would really appreciate it :

(2 edits) (+1)

Cool thanks for playing my game ^^

Sadly a as a puzzle "platform" design in mind, it doesn't give too much liberty for the player to navigate the levels, but when I start adding more movement mechanics the player will naturally have more options.

About the controls, there is an alternate mode to walk in planets just using the left and right. I may change for it to be the default as a lot of people prefer. 

Will surelly try your game too and leave some feedback/suggestions.

About the puzzle platform, I understand. I think what I was trying to express, what that the constraint and inability to control at all once I have taken off made it feel like I was just watching, and being not able to fulle take advantage of the different mechanics that you have in the game. 
Ideas like, hold down to decide how much force I jump with, 1 second second jump.. or similar that could give me some bigger feeling of control. As right now it just felt like I was watching and hoping that my jumps worked. I dont know if my suggestions will work with the game, but it was what I was thinking while I was playing the game. 

I was looking for the controls, so I guess that I was unable to find/understand that this could be done :)

Thanks for sharing your game

Hi Leo, do you need any help with sound or music? Love you game by the way. though I feel like the game could do with a bit of deathbox expansion, I could see myself thinking if only the limits were a bit wider that sick play could've worked. Let me know as I've got a uni portfolio to submit by the 3rd of May and I'd love to compose for you. thanks